Sunday, December 22, 2013
Forget any other form of torture having to write and give a talk is the WORST!!!!!!!! I swear I always end up bawling (while writing it) from the stress. and I feel so sorry that my mom has to deal with me during those times.... I mean Kate loves doing stuff like this! Can't they just never ask me and only talk to her about it?! Cause that that would be great!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
First Day of High School B-Day
B-day was tuesday, and apparently late day, but the bus only comes early, so I was there alone finding my classes Tekkie was there, so I chatted with her about pokemon and such and such, because we're nerds. Then the bell rang and I headed to seminary. I found out that I had the same seminary teacher as Kathryn (bonnie's friend) and Harley. Other than that I didn't know anyone and there was only like one - three other sophmores in my class. It was fine I mainly just sat and chatted with Kathryn and we had a lesson and such. After seminary I went to computer tech... I was not excited for this class. We had an assembly first this time, and I found Emma and Emily in the assembly hall with me. It was just about school rules and the teachers could not figure out how to use a powerpoint so mostly we just chatted. After that I went back to computer tech. I didn't really know anyone in this class except for two girls who I never talk to and can only remember one of their names, but we all sat near each other anyway. Then a cute guy came into the class. Yes one good thing, and then it turned out he was in the wrong classroom... Drat. Well we went over the disclosure and then had like 30 minutes of free time, so pretty much everybody just facebooked until the bell rang. I then headed to English in which I sat at the first table I saw, Jea, and Emily soon arrived as well. In english we went over the disclosures and then had to do partner introductions. I got partnered with this one girl who was really nice, and had a lot of the same interests as me so that was pretty nice. Then it was lunch again. We all met up in this certain spot where my crush and his friends were apparently meeting up at as well... so that was awkward. Then I had math... I almost fell asleep several times.... gah.... After that I found my bus but some stupid lady was driving in the bus lane so our bus got a dent in her car's side, so we were there waiting for like 40 minutes, and then there was a 15 minute train so it took forever to get home.... and yeah this post it waaay late
Saturday, September 14, 2013
First Day of School A-Day
School started last week. The morning started with me waking up at six and getting ready for school. Unlike any other first day of school I had actually slept to when my alarm went off. I got up and got ready for the first day of school. When the bus arrived I was surprised about how full it was, but found my friend Kilee B. and sat next to her. We both had first day of school nerves. When we arrived I found my first class and then we wandered a bit. When the bell rang I went back to World Civ and found Jea there. I was so glad she was in my class, we were all allowed to sit where we wanted to which was nice, and apparently are allowed to every day. There were a bunch of others I recognized from Mueller but no one else I was really close to. In that class it was mostly figuring things out and introduction things. We were paired up with somebody next to us and had to introduce the other... It wasn't too hard since I got paired up with Matt who I had a few classes with last year and kinda talked to. After that we had some free time and I talked to Jea about our classes, and such. The bell rang and I headed up to french class. I was so nervous until I saw Tay and Kaitlyn. Of course I sat down next to them. And again in French there were a lot of people I knew including my crush. Score! We were then called down to an assembly and I found McCall. We sat down in the middle of a row, and discovered all off the others were in the other assembly. By the end of everyone coming in me and McCall were stuck between two awkward guys with beards. Yup that's how it goes... The assembly was just one about school policy and such, nothing big. After it was done McCall and I split and heading back to our classes. When we all returned Madame Whiting had us do introductions and pull out an item to represent us. I did my Fai bookmark I made for obvious reasons and also due to the fact that I only had a walmart-cheepo-mechanical pencil with me. Mostly that day we talked about what we needed in class and listened to some french. After that Tay and I walked to chemistry together. While headed there we both went to different classes which was odd since both of us had honors with Jensen. I went to the class and sat down next to Emily who told me that this too was Jensen. About 5 min into the class I realized that this was not the honors class, and that there were two teachers who taught chemistry at the same period with the last name of Jensen. Embarrassed I headed over to the other class where tay was. When I got there it was completely full except for one seat next to Tay... thank the heavens. I headed back and plopped my bag down. She gave me the 'i told you look' and I replied 'yeah yeah I know... I was shown the wrong classroom' During Chemistry we were put into lab groups and had to do a lab... on the first day... and a lab report.... seriously.... After chemistry was lunch. I said by to tay and caught up with Emma, McCall, and Kilee B. We ate lunch, and McCall's boyfriend was sitting with us which was really awkward but whatever. We wandered around a lot after lunch. When the bell rang I was unsure of how to get to my foods class, and I asked this girl who was in my lab group if she knew where it was. Turns out she was going there herself so I went with her. I sat with her and a one other junior and one senior. They're all really nice, and it was fun. Foods was mainly just going over disclosures and such. After that we all left and I headed for the bus and left for home.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Maine Trip
Wednesday - We packed and cleaned up so we could go. Around 11:20 we headed to the airport, unpacked our stuff and went in. Nothing really interesting happened while in the airport, it was just the usual security and rush. At about midnight we boarded the plane, and headed off to JFK airport where we would get our next flight to Maine.
Thursday - I didn't really get much sleep that morning, because Kate would lay on me, so I would lay on her, and then she would move, and she wouldn't stop moving. When we arrived at New York we couldn't get out of the airport lest we should miss our flight. I took this time to pull out a notebook and doodle. When the time came, we left with our flight, and headed off. This time I slept just fine, and woke up as we were going over Maine. It was gorgeous there was water and trees! Trees! After we landed Grandma and Grandpa picked us up and brought us to their house. Pretty much then we really just got settled down most of the time... Later in the day we went to Macey's with Grandma, Marie, and Sadie. Grandma wanted to see if this one dress would fit mom, so that's why we went. Funny thing is that I ended up being the one with the most to try on (not out of my choosing) in the end. I ended up getting a shirt, pants, ankle length skirt, and a jean jacket... Kate got a dress, two shirt and I think she may have gotten something else but I can't remember... Rachel and Anya both go a hello kitty outfit, after that we all went back and just had fun. Grandma showed us her jewelry and I might I say she has some really really pretty stuff. After that I don't really remember what happened much, I know we all talked and had dinner and such, and then they all went to pick up Lila while Kate and I watched Rachel Anya and Doctor who. In bed Kate took up the entirety and I was stuck in a crack with almost zero blanket.
Friday - Friday we got up and ate breakfast. Later in the day we left for a trip. We visited my great grandma's grave, now I kinda have issues with graveyards, want to make me teary and edgy for a day, take me to a graveyard. They're just so sad to me for some reason. I was in the car with grandma, grandpa, Seth, Marie, and Kate, and we were the first there, because everyone else decided to get food. So the others in the car were pretty upset, while we waited for the other two cars of people to arrive. When they did arrive it was down-pouring and Seth decided to wrestle Amy in the graveyard. After the tousle something happened and Seth partially mooned them, which got the same response from Lila. Except it was a full on mooning. Then we all went off to get pizza taking the scenic drive. I got a sub there which was really good, and talked with Kate, grandma and grandpa. Then we all went to Shaines Ice Cream. I got a double thinking that it would be about the size of their single... it was three times bigger, and dripped purple on my white shirt, but it was DELICOUS. We went to this one beach area and went to this factory in which salt water taffy is made, and then a couple of us went with Amber to this cute little candy store, and then half of us headed towards the beach and the other half went into a little souvenir shop. I stayed under a roof holding Arwin so she didn't get cold and wet, like the rest of us. When we got back a few of us girls went to a makeup store, it was quite cute and fun! My favorite part was sampling perfume, that was interesting! We got home then had dinner and then went to bed. Kate and I then watch Dr Who and went to bed.
Saturday: The big day. We went to the boston temple and Kate and I babysat the entire time. It was tough but it wasn't too bad. We just kept track of and entertained Rachel, Sadie, Anya, and Arwin. There were multiple potty breaks, in which they would argue over who would go first, and fights on the potty... Ack! other than that they were pretty good. They calmed down and played easily after a while. Finally it was done and they all came out. I was sooooooooo glad to be done with it. So we got in the cars and grandma and Lila went in to get some garmets and it felt like it was another another hour.... AH! I think it was like 3 and none of us had eaten since like 6-7ish.... we were hungry and pretty edgy. Finally we all left for the hour ride back. With all the traffic we pulled to the side got Mc Donalds and headed off again for the ride which took like 4 hours. We were all dead by the time we got back. A whole bunch of us had to shower due to girl reasons and such. Yes a few of us were on the dread time of the month... Gack gack gack gack. That night we showed Grandma Duck Dynasty and watched several episodes. There's one episode called Daddy's Got A Gun, and it's about where his daughter is dating this boy and grandma was agreeing with every word they said.... That was kinda nerve racking. I can soooooooo wait for my dating years! I'm scared of what dad will do! An understanding-of-the-gospel quiz? The intimidation and questioning? The accusations and canceling the date before dad even meets my date? I think I'd rather have the gun approach... I don't know, I'm probably really overreacting but still I am freaking out! Well anyhow we went down and all talked then went to bed, watched dr who and went to sleep.
Sunday: I was way nervous to go to church. Being me I wondered how the YW and YM were going to react... Were they going to shun us because we're from Utah? Not even give a care? Or, be all like "VISITORS!!! Yeah!!!" Anyhow I dressed up nicely did my hair and makeup and hoped I looked decent. When we arrived I looked at the tiny building and shivered. Once we entered I was so shocked about how tiny the sacrament meeting and everything was! There was barely anybody in the small sacrament meeting room... It was so cute! But empty. Sacrament was good, and I mainly worked on my wedding dresses, and talked about them with Monika. After that, we were escorted over to Sunday school. It was small and quaint and there were only three young women and two young men. Which is a lot like our young women's and young men's. They were all really nice and just kinda laughed when we told them we were from utah! Great! They weren't scary! Due to the teacher not expecting to teach till that morning we just watched one of the old church videos. After that it was young women's and that was actually really nice and fun! Then we left to pick up Rachel and Anya and there were like what 11 primary children in total?! I freaked! How can a ward be so small?!?! On the way home we drove by the beach, it was gorgeous and then headed home. Everyone just really got their own lunch and lounged about. Later though we headed to the lighthouse and walked around the beach. We couldn't go in because it was sunday but I really wanted to. When we got back nothing really happened, just routine. We watched Emma as well, I loved it! Dinner, movie (showing grandma and grandpa parental guidance), and bed.
Monday: Breakfast, Lounge, Errands, Food, and shopping. That pretty much sums it up! Someone went out bought lobster for dinner, and then we cooked them and had an AMAZING sea food dinner and cake!!! Lila did makeup and due to the colors she had I looked like one of those evil girls on tv. which was very amusing! Family home evening was next, and then came girls night out. All of us girls went to the mall and went shopping pretty much! All the little girls got matching outfits and then a few of us went to Forever 21 and Kate and I both got something there. After that we all gathered over at this little ice cream shop and left. Then we stopped at dairy queen and dunking donuts to get some food and went back home. Then again the usual Dr Who and bed! Sweetness
Tuesday: Earlier in te day we watched Classic Dr Who with Grandpa which was really nice to do! After that we all pretty much hung out until Marie and Seth took their flight home, and then Kate and I went shopping with grandma and grandpa! First we went to Nordstrom Rack, and tried on clothes and both got the cutest stuff! Then we headed over to target in which Kate and I both got a bra and we picked up some undies for Rachel and Anya. Then we went over and got dinner at friendly's! It was really good, and we were all so full! After that we headed to the mall and looked a macey's for a bit and then checked out some of the other stores! We got a lot of new clothes thanks to grandma and grandpa! That night me and Kate watched Dr. Who for our last marathon night
Wednesday: We all awoke and packed up... It was sad to go although I'm so glad I was able to! It was a great week! Anyhow we wished everyone goodbye, and headed towards the plane. During security Kate's bag beeped and had to get searched. All of us wondered what was the matter with it, we all laughed when it turned out to be Kate's big blue eraser that says 'My Bad' on it. The plane ride was a plan ride. Tiring. And I don't think I fell asleep because of Anya. On the second ride there was a Duck Dynasty marathon playing on tv so we watched that as we fell asleep.
Thursday Morning: Dad came and picked us up! I was glad to see him, we finally got home, brought our stuff in and just crashed... Sleep!
Thursday - I didn't really get much sleep that morning, because Kate would lay on me, so I would lay on her, and then she would move, and she wouldn't stop moving. When we arrived at New York we couldn't get out of the airport lest we should miss our flight. I took this time to pull out a notebook and doodle. When the time came, we left with our flight, and headed off. This time I slept just fine, and woke up as we were going over Maine. It was gorgeous there was water and trees! Trees! After we landed Grandma and Grandpa picked us up and brought us to their house. Pretty much then we really just got settled down most of the time... Later in the day we went to Macey's with Grandma, Marie, and Sadie. Grandma wanted to see if this one dress would fit mom, so that's why we went. Funny thing is that I ended up being the one with the most to try on (not out of my choosing) in the end. I ended up getting a shirt, pants, ankle length skirt, and a jean jacket... Kate got a dress, two shirt and I think she may have gotten something else but I can't remember... Rachel and Anya both go a hello kitty outfit, after that we all went back and just had fun. Grandma showed us her jewelry and I might I say she has some really really pretty stuff. After that I don't really remember what happened much, I know we all talked and had dinner and such, and then they all went to pick up Lila while Kate and I watched Rachel Anya and Doctor who. In bed Kate took up the entirety and I was stuck in a crack with almost zero blanket.
Friday - Friday we got up and ate breakfast. Later in the day we left for a trip. We visited my great grandma's grave, now I kinda have issues with graveyards, want to make me teary and edgy for a day, take me to a graveyard. They're just so sad to me for some reason. I was in the car with grandma, grandpa, Seth, Marie, and Kate, and we were the first there, because everyone else decided to get food. So the others in the car were pretty upset, while we waited for the other two cars of people to arrive. When they did arrive it was down-pouring and Seth decided to wrestle Amy in the graveyard. After the tousle something happened and Seth partially mooned them, which got the same response from Lila. Except it was a full on mooning. Then we all went off to get pizza taking the scenic drive. I got a sub there which was really good, and talked with Kate, grandma and grandpa. Then we all went to Shaines Ice Cream. I got a double thinking that it would be about the size of their single... it was three times bigger, and dripped purple on my white shirt, but it was DELICOUS. We went to this one beach area and went to this factory in which salt water taffy is made, and then a couple of us went with Amber to this cute little candy store, and then half of us headed towards the beach and the other half went into a little souvenir shop. I stayed under a roof holding Arwin so she didn't get cold and wet, like the rest of us. When we got back a few of us girls went to a makeup store, it was quite cute and fun! My favorite part was sampling perfume, that was interesting! We got home then had dinner and then went to bed. Kate and I then watch Dr Who and went to bed.
Saturday: The big day. We went to the boston temple and Kate and I babysat the entire time. It was tough but it wasn't too bad. We just kept track of and entertained Rachel, Sadie, Anya, and Arwin. There were multiple potty breaks, in which they would argue over who would go first, and fights on the potty... Ack! other than that they were pretty good. They calmed down and played easily after a while. Finally it was done and they all came out. I was sooooooooo glad to be done with it. So we got in the cars and grandma and Lila went in to get some garmets and it felt like it was another another hour.... AH! I think it was like 3 and none of us had eaten since like 6-7ish.... we were hungry and pretty edgy. Finally we all left for the hour ride back. With all the traffic we pulled to the side got Mc Donalds and headed off again for the ride which took like 4 hours. We were all dead by the time we got back. A whole bunch of us had to shower due to girl reasons and such. Yes a few of us were on the dread time of the month... Gack gack gack gack. That night we showed Grandma Duck Dynasty and watched several episodes. There's one episode called Daddy's Got A Gun, and it's about where his daughter is dating this boy and grandma was agreeing with every word they said.... That was kinda nerve racking. I can soooooooo wait for my dating years! I'm scared of what dad will do! An understanding-of-the-gospel quiz? The intimidation and questioning? The accusations and canceling the date before dad even meets my date? I think I'd rather have the gun approach... I don't know, I'm probably really overreacting but still I am freaking out! Well anyhow we went down and all talked then went to bed, watched dr who and went to sleep.
Sunday: I was way nervous to go to church. Being me I wondered how the YW and YM were going to react... Were they going to shun us because we're from Utah? Not even give a care? Or, be all like "VISITORS!!! Yeah!!!" Anyhow I dressed up nicely did my hair and makeup and hoped I looked decent. When we arrived I looked at the tiny building and shivered. Once we entered I was so shocked about how tiny the sacrament meeting and everything was! There was barely anybody in the small sacrament meeting room... It was so cute! But empty. Sacrament was good, and I mainly worked on my wedding dresses, and talked about them with Monika. After that, we were escorted over to Sunday school. It was small and quaint and there were only three young women and two young men. Which is a lot like our young women's and young men's. They were all really nice and just kinda laughed when we told them we were from utah! Great! They weren't scary! Due to the teacher not expecting to teach till that morning we just watched one of the old church videos. After that it was young women's and that was actually really nice and fun! Then we left to pick up Rachel and Anya and there were like what 11 primary children in total?! I freaked! How can a ward be so small?!?! On the way home we drove by the beach, it was gorgeous and then headed home. Everyone just really got their own lunch and lounged about. Later though we headed to the lighthouse and walked around the beach. We couldn't go in because it was sunday but I really wanted to. When we got back nothing really happened, just routine. We watched Emma as well, I loved it! Dinner, movie (showing grandma and grandpa parental guidance), and bed.
Monday: Breakfast, Lounge, Errands, Food, and shopping. That pretty much sums it up! Someone went out bought lobster for dinner, and then we cooked them and had an AMAZING sea food dinner and cake!!! Lila did makeup and due to the colors she had I looked like one of those evil girls on tv. which was very amusing! Family home evening was next, and then came girls night out. All of us girls went to the mall and went shopping pretty much! All the little girls got matching outfits and then a few of us went to Forever 21 and Kate and I both got something there. After that we all gathered over at this little ice cream shop and left. Then we stopped at dairy queen and dunking donuts to get some food and went back home. Then again the usual Dr Who and bed! Sweetness
Tuesday: Earlier in te day we watched Classic Dr Who with Grandpa which was really nice to do! After that we all pretty much hung out until Marie and Seth took their flight home, and then Kate and I went shopping with grandma and grandpa! First we went to Nordstrom Rack, and tried on clothes and both got the cutest stuff! Then we headed over to target in which Kate and I both got a bra and we picked up some undies for Rachel and Anya. Then we went over and got dinner at friendly's! It was really good, and we were all so full! After that we headed to the mall and looked a macey's for a bit and then checked out some of the other stores! We got a lot of new clothes thanks to grandma and grandpa! That night me and Kate watched Dr. Who for our last marathon night
Wednesday: We all awoke and packed up... It was sad to go although I'm so glad I was able to! It was a great week! Anyhow we wished everyone goodbye, and headed towards the plane. During security Kate's bag beeped and had to get searched. All of us wondered what was the matter with it, we all laughed when it turned out to be Kate's big blue eraser that says 'My Bad' on it. The plane ride was a plan ride. Tiring. And I don't think I fell asleep because of Anya. On the second ride there was a Duck Dynasty marathon playing on tv so we watched that as we fell asleep.
Thursday Morning: Dad came and picked us up! I was glad to see him, we finally got home, brought our stuff in and just crashed... Sleep!
Hair Cut
I have never had my hair this short before.... not even close to this length starting when I can remember. I think it turned out well though
Monday, August 19, 2013
School Pictures
Since most of us kids go to different schools, and so the days we start aren't the same, we did school pictures all together Sunday. Here are some of them:
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Camping at Bear Lake
Monday: We packed up which took hours and drove off. The drive was looooooooooooooooooooooooong and the kids were LOUD! It was really fun with all the games ans such we did in the car! The drive through the mountains was gorgeous, and I couldn't believe it when we got near the lake! The water was so clear and peaceful, and then we crossed the Idaho boarder. So part of our trip was spent in Idaho! or at least 5 minutes was... We eventually found the cabin which is Rosanne's family's cabin, that we were going to be camping outside of. The cabin was not what I had in mind. I had been imagining cabins like the ones we had a girls camp, no this was an A-frame attached to a mini cabin house. If I had known that I would've brought my straightener and such. Darn it. The kids were all to eager to get into the water, me not so much, since it was the infamous time of the month. Gr... When we got to the water, Kate and I got into a boat and headed off down into the blue. The farther we got the lighter and more vibrant of a color the water got. Eventually Kate and I got stuck and couldn't go forwards or backwards... We were stuck, then Johnny and Adam came, who were mad at us because we had kicked them out of the boat for trying to commandeer the boat, and getting mad at us with no purpose. But still they were our only hope and thankfully they did help us, but it caused them to be slowed down and then adam started freaking out and threatened mutiny. So they forced us off, and me and kate found they had pulled us to a point where we could just walk back so that's what we did. That night, I can't remember what we ate, but we went down to the beach and played pig sticks. It was a lot of fun, but no one ever seemed to get the bottle so far into the lake that we wouldn't get it without getting really wet... eh, it was super fun anyway!!! Later when it was like pretty much completely dark, mom brought out the cake! yum!! I probably ate more than I should've but ya know...
Tuesday: I woke up that morning and worked on my story. Then all the little kids joined me while drawing, it was fun... today I wasn't planning on going in the water that much so I just went around in my shirt and didn't put any sunscreen on, that was a big mistake because I got the worst sunburn of probably my life. It was fun in the water, a fish hit my leg and I jumped on the boat... hey I couldn't see it so it freaked me out... On another note we had another Adam mutiny in which he threatened to attack us with a paddle, and then threatened to throw johnny's shirt into the water... Actually it was really adam's shirt johnny had just borrowed it, so we HAD to point that out to adam. He started crying so we had him walk back to shore... After all this I went back and held arwen under the shade, and ate snacks. When night came it turned out my entire back, legs, and face, was bright red. I couldn't move! Everyone went inside and we played Arkham Horor.
Wednesday:Wednesday morning I lurched over towards the cabin and the chairs... my legs and back refused to bend. As the day went on the ibuprofen started to kick in and I was able to start bending and walking around like nothing hurt. Rosanne's relatives with the girls our age came and I was able to meet them. Jessica was the oldest (my age) and was so inviting and cheery! Her younger sisters, who forgot to tell me their names, were so fun too!!! I had a great time with them, and then their cousin Breah arrived! She was also very out there and inviting! We all helping bring things down to the shore and set up, and then we headed out into the waters. We were all talking when Breah mentioned Full Metal Alchemist, and me and her started fangirling and asking each other what mangas the other had seen. Both of us had watched or read Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, so we started fangirling over that, and then Fai, and so on... Jessica was completely confused about what we were talking about so we used Avatar the Last Airbender as an example, and she understood, but still couldn't follow so we changed the subject. All of us got on the raft with the little kids and I left for a bit to go play with Ada, and got more sunscreen on. Ada and I made sandcastles, and then I went back. Some of Breah's brothers had joined us, a twelve year old and a ten year old. They kept trying to tip the raft, so we shoved them off and chatted and played with the younger children on the raft. Then all the children left and Breah's 15 year old brother joined us... His first introduction was asking who we are sticking his hand out to Kate and introducing himself as 'Sexy' I almost died laughing at Kate's facial expression. She was repulsed, but later on he was just hilarious. Then a dog came on the raft and one by one every left, starting with Kate. Jessica's younger sisters and I stayed in the water for a bit and swam around. We soon joined the others in a big group in which we all talked. One of my favorite conversations was about words with different meanings where I mentions how I could say 'I'm feeling gay today!' and everyone would know I meant happy, and how if I did that at school... well it would just get awkward. Then Sam (one of Jessica's younger sisters) asked what gay was. Kate told her that it used to mean happy but it doesn't anymore. She stood up and said "Oh in that case, I'm gay!" Holding back laughter we all freaked telling her that it USED to mean that but doesn't anymore and that she shouldn't go around telling people that. Eventually we all went back to the raft and got in the water. Breah and the boys moved the raft out to a spot where me and Jessica couldn't touch the bottom, and the raft wars begun there. Brennon jumped up on the raft and started making a speech about how we were no longer the younger kids and that now we were the big kids and that we controlled the raft, etc, etc. So me and Breah shoved him off. Breah then jumped up and declared that since she was the oldest she controlled the raft, and started shoving people off. It eventually got to a point in which me and Jessica were the only ones that hadn't been shoved off and so we stuck together clinging on for dear lift. At one point half of them ganged up on Jessica and she fell off, although I tried to keep her on... Then they came after me, but they, no, they could not get me into the water. Everyone, even Breah, that went after wound up in the water leaving me victorious. Then they're aunt and uncle came and it became a war of trying to stay on the raft. They flipped and tossed the raft to the point where it was vertical so pretty much everyone fell off. Kate accidentally embarrassed me by trying to stay on and pulled my swim bottoms down, thankfully no one saw... but still.. At one point Breah, her siblings, aunt and uncle, were all at one end of the raft trying to tip it, and they were so unbalanced that I just lightly tapped Breah and they all fell in. Dad came near the end of it and had Kate and I go in, shower up and pack. After packing I sat back and talked with Jessica and Breah, and K about books, writing, and other stuff. We all had S'mores and then because josh was being really bad, we packed up and left.
It was really fun!
Tuesday: I woke up that morning and worked on my story. Then all the little kids joined me while drawing, it was fun... today I wasn't planning on going in the water that much so I just went around in my shirt and didn't put any sunscreen on, that was a big mistake because I got the worst sunburn of probably my life. It was fun in the water, a fish hit my leg and I jumped on the boat... hey I couldn't see it so it freaked me out... On another note we had another Adam mutiny in which he threatened to attack us with a paddle, and then threatened to throw johnny's shirt into the water... Actually it was really adam's shirt johnny had just borrowed it, so we HAD to point that out to adam. He started crying so we had him walk back to shore... After all this I went back and held arwen under the shade, and ate snacks. When night came it turned out my entire back, legs, and face, was bright red. I couldn't move! Everyone went inside and we played Arkham Horor.
Wednesday:Wednesday morning I lurched over towards the cabin and the chairs... my legs and back refused to bend. As the day went on the ibuprofen started to kick in and I was able to start bending and walking around like nothing hurt. Rosanne's relatives with the girls our age came and I was able to meet them. Jessica was the oldest (my age) and was so inviting and cheery! Her younger sisters, who forgot to tell me their names, were so fun too!!! I had a great time with them, and then their cousin Breah arrived! She was also very out there and inviting! We all helping bring things down to the shore and set up, and then we headed out into the waters. We were all talking when Breah mentioned Full Metal Alchemist, and me and her started fangirling and asking each other what mangas the other had seen. Both of us had watched or read Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, so we started fangirling over that, and then Fai, and so on... Jessica was completely confused about what we were talking about so we used Avatar the Last Airbender as an example, and she understood, but still couldn't follow so we changed the subject. All of us got on the raft with the little kids and I left for a bit to go play with Ada, and got more sunscreen on. Ada and I made sandcastles, and then I went back. Some of Breah's brothers had joined us, a twelve year old and a ten year old. They kept trying to tip the raft, so we shoved them off and chatted and played with the younger children on the raft. Then all the children left and Breah's 15 year old brother joined us... His first introduction was asking who we are sticking his hand out to Kate and introducing himself as 'Sexy' I almost died laughing at Kate's facial expression. She was repulsed, but later on he was just hilarious. Then a dog came on the raft and one by one every left, starting with Kate. Jessica's younger sisters and I stayed in the water for a bit and swam around. We soon joined the others in a big group in which we all talked. One of my favorite conversations was about words with different meanings where I mentions how I could say 'I'm feeling gay today!' and everyone would know I meant happy, and how if I did that at school... well it would just get awkward. Then Sam (one of Jessica's younger sisters) asked what gay was. Kate told her that it used to mean happy but it doesn't anymore. She stood up and said "Oh in that case, I'm gay!" Holding back laughter we all freaked telling her that it USED to mean that but doesn't anymore and that she shouldn't go around telling people that. Eventually we all went back to the raft and got in the water. Breah and the boys moved the raft out to a spot where me and Jessica couldn't touch the bottom, and the raft wars begun there. Brennon jumped up on the raft and started making a speech about how we were no longer the younger kids and that now we were the big kids and that we controlled the raft, etc, etc. So me and Breah shoved him off. Breah then jumped up and declared that since she was the oldest she controlled the raft, and started shoving people off. It eventually got to a point in which me and Jessica were the only ones that hadn't been shoved off and so we stuck together clinging on for dear lift. At one point half of them ganged up on Jessica and she fell off, although I tried to keep her on... Then they came after me, but they, no, they could not get me into the water. Everyone, even Breah, that went after wound up in the water leaving me victorious. Then they're aunt and uncle came and it became a war of trying to stay on the raft. They flipped and tossed the raft to the point where it was vertical so pretty much everyone fell off. Kate accidentally embarrassed me by trying to stay on and pulled my swim bottoms down, thankfully no one saw... but still.. At one point Breah, her siblings, aunt and uncle, were all at one end of the raft trying to tip it, and they were so unbalanced that I just lightly tapped Breah and they all fell in. Dad came near the end of it and had Kate and I go in, shower up and pack. After packing I sat back and talked with Jessica and Breah, and K about books, writing, and other stuff. We all had S'mores and then because josh was being really bad, we packed up and left.
It was really fun!
We're going to Maine today! I'm so excited to see all my family on my mom's side! It'll be so much fun and I just can't wait! It's gonna be Kate, Anya, Rachel, Arwen, Mom, and me going for a week, and all the boys are staying home. We leave at midnight tonight, I just hope I'll be able to sleep on the plane!
Monday, August 5, 2013
Torture Devices
I'm making a list of things I love so I can remember them and use them as torture devices for my children when I'm older.
Warm Bodies <3 nbsp="" p="">Summer Magic
Rise of the Gaurdians
17 Miracles
The Place Promised in our Early Days
Batman Begins
The Dark Night Rises
Teen Titans
Black Beauty
Wreck it Wralf
Monsters vs Aliens
Captain America
Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Thoroughly Modern Miley
The Scarlet and the Black
How to Steal a Million
Christian the Cross of Lead
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles
Scarlet Pimpernel
Ella Enchanted
The London Confidentials
Let Them Eat Cake
Hikaru No Go
Spiral: the Bonds of Reasoning
I know there are a lot more and I'll probably update this as I remember
Warm Bodies <3 nbsp="" p="">Summer Magic
Rise of the Gaurdians
17 Miracles
The Place Promised in our Early Days
Batman Begins
The Dark Night Rises
Teen Titans
Black Beauty
Wreck it Wralf
Monsters vs Aliens
Captain America
Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Thoroughly Modern Miley
The Scarlet and the Black
How to Steal a Million
Christian the Cross of Lead
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles
Scarlet Pimpernel
Ella Enchanted
The London Confidentials
Let Them Eat Cake
Hikaru No Go
Spiral: the Bonds of Reasoning
I know there are a lot more and I'll probably update this as I remember
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Fourth of July
Week of the 4th of July --
On Monday we went over our imdediate reaction was to leap into the pool. It was fun but it got even better when Riley and her family came and everyone played pomp! It was rougher than it has been in a while. That night me and kate went on the tramp and chatted with Riley.
Tuesday I didn't want to shower again soooo I didn't go swimming! ^.^ pretty much I just kinda fell asleep on the couch cause I went to bed at like 3am and then had woken up at like 6:30ish and couldn't really get back to sleep although I tried for a few hours.
Wednessday: Pretty much the same as tuesday except I think I went swimming... swimming was really fun! Pomp especially ya know I might've confused Tuesday with Wednesday... well all in all it was good times in the pool with cousins!
Thurs/ Fourth of July: Fourth of July we got here and jumped in the pool! We played games and had pool fun and then it was dinner! Yummy! Pretty much everything at grandma's is soo good! Since it was the fourth we had soda, pink fluff, chips, homemade icecream, the lot! While we were eating Lizzie and Emma came! I was expecting them to come a lot later so I was really happy! We went outside, watched the fireworks, and then we went in and played the story game! But sadly we had to go home...
We didn't go back because all the kids were grumpy and tired, people at grandma's got sick, and we had to rest up and pack for camping... I'm sorry I missed most of the reunion... it was so fun for what I was there for!!!
On Monday we went over our imdediate reaction was to leap into the pool. It was fun but it got even better when Riley and her family came and everyone played pomp! It was rougher than it has been in a while. That night me and kate went on the tramp and chatted with Riley.
Tuesday I didn't want to shower again soooo I didn't go swimming! ^.^ pretty much I just kinda fell asleep on the couch cause I went to bed at like 3am and then had woken up at like 6:30ish and couldn't really get back to sleep although I tried for a few hours.
Wednessday: Pretty much the same as tuesday except I think I went swimming... swimming was really fun! Pomp especially ya know I might've confused Tuesday with Wednesday... well all in all it was good times in the pool with cousins!
Thurs/ Fourth of July: Fourth of July we got here and jumped in the pool! We played games and had pool fun and then it was dinner! Yummy! Pretty much everything at grandma's is soo good! Since it was the fourth we had soda, pink fluff, chips, homemade icecream, the lot! While we were eating Lizzie and Emma came! I was expecting them to come a lot later so I was really happy! We went outside, watched the fireworks, and then we went in and played the story game! But sadly we had to go home...
We didn't go back because all the kids were grumpy and tired, people at grandma's got sick, and we had to rest up and pack for camping... I'm sorry I missed most of the reunion... it was so fun for what I was there for!!!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Last week I went on trek. We had to meet at the church at 7am so I had to wake up at 6ish to get ready. We arrived at the church and it actually wasn't that long before we all went inside, had some instructions, and got onto the buses and headed towards Utah Lake. On the bus ride I just hung out with Bonnie and Milan, even until we had to get into families. I was put into a family with no one I knew. There were two other girls and three other guys who're put into the Taukulafu (I think that's how you spell it) family with me. First there was Kayla who's total valleygirl but really fun and awesome. Then there was Tekie, who's more quiet, nice, but a spoiler when it comes to fangirling items.... The boys were Mark (who apparently went to my school when I was a sevy), Louis (who was really quiet), and then there was Joseph, the broadway child with the harmonica.We headed off onto the trail, and it wasn't actually all that bad. I hung back with Tekie and we kept singing for a bit until it was finally lunch time. Lunch was the same every day, turkey and cheese sandwich with a Gatorade, chips, cookies, and an apple. During lunch some people started a game of missionary tag and it was only with great urging that I got up and played. It was actually pretty fun, since most people weren't just looking for their friend groups. After an hour we all headed off again. I tried talking with my group on the way and the only one that would talk while walking was Joseph so I talked to him about Dr. Who. After that, he would not leave me alone, it became extremely awkward... Finally we reached the campsite. The first things I did was sit down. About a minute later I heard someone behind me yell YOLO. They were probably making fun of it, but still I jokingly grumbled that whoever said YOLO should die... I mean the irony. Me and Kayla changed and cleaned up as best we could till we couldn't get anymore dirt off. Dinner was served and me and Kayla went off and ate together, where we talked a lot. It turned out that we knew a bunch of the same people. And then we pointed out guys we thought were cute. She said this guy said Brenden was cute and I of course said the Korean exchange student was cute... of course. Then it was time for skits made by the ma's and pa's and then dancing. We were all stuck in lines and I was partnered with Cody who ended up being the person who said YOLO and HAD heard me... He held it against me the entire time though, but it was still pretty fun. Then we all did this 'Oh Johnny' dance thing, and I was mainly partnered with Cody and Gin (the exchange student). Hallelujah for tolerable partners! Sadly though during that song we moved around partners and I eventually ran into Joseph who complimented my dress... and then back again to tolerable partners! After dancing though we all went our separate ways and I hung out with Jea and Prim it was really fun! And there was this hilarious guy who kept looking like he was glaring. So Prim asked him why he was, and his reply was that he looked like a drug addict when he smiled... I think we all died laughing there. It turns out that Jea's going to Bountiful too! I know now who I'm probably gonna hang out with there, unless McCall and Emma go to Bountiful. If they do I'll probably hang with them more but all the same. Eventually we all had to go back to our families for a devotional. Our devotional was short but they asked us to tell them about our selves and asked if we had any nicknames. So I did, and I told them the main nickname I've had the past couple of years has been Alice, but I really don't care if you call me it or not. I really did not expect them to actually use my friends nickname for me. Next morning I woke up at about 7, got up and got dressed. We all expected to leave camp at about 8:30 - 9:00ish, we ended up leaving at about 11:00ish because breakfast came at about 9:30ish. Mostly that morning I hung with Jea and then a lot with my school friend Kylie, she was new to the school about when it was ending so I didn't know her too well yet. Then we all had to get together for a big trek picture, which we did and let me just say I got stuck between Kayla and Brenden who'd started talking the night before and seemed to like each other. Once the pictures ended I stood up and so did Brenden who was helping Kayla up when they're clasped hands hit me and knocked me over. I gained my own awkward couple. And then we headed off again. I noticed like half of the girls sitting on the wagons because they had blisters... no offense but I was just kinda there like, 'wha?????? a blister's nothing!' This time on the trail I talked with Kayla a lot, but Joseph would not leave me alone and kept calling me Alice which was really awkward... really awkward. But anyhow one our first stop I went and I hung out with Bonnie, Jea, Prim, and all of their older siblings and friends. It was fun! I met a lot of people that are in Bountiful already. A little bit later someone started up the game 'mingle-mingle' in which you all have to walk around until the person says a number and you have to get in a group of that or else you're out. It was fun, but at one point we had to get into a group of four and so I was in a group with Jea when Rob hopped in as the fourth and tried flirting... We all just kinda walked away. Yeah it was fun, but then we had to head off again, and lunch was about 2 hours away...Once we got to a place where it was okay to eat, we ate. Oh and if I forgot to mention I had landed into 'Teenage Trek Musical' I'm sorry. There were crushes, flirts, instruments, and random bursts of singing everywhere. EVERYWHERE! At lunch though Kincade and his friends with the Ukes. But it was pretty fun. We treked on some more and the ground just kept getting worse and worse. Kayla and I decided to walk ahead and we chatted a lot, and joined in some singing with my friends Kylie and Sydnee in it. When we finally arrived we again sat down and cleaned up in our tent the bountiful football players put up for us. The wind though was horrible! Some of the tents even blew over. Before dinner I played some baseball with bonnie and some others in which they used a stick for a bat which I cannot seem to work with... so I gave up in embarrassment. During dinner I hung with Kylie and Sydnee and then Kayla too. We were all playing games and laughing in the protective tent when it was time for testimonies and stuff with our companies. Thankfully it was more of a discussion but I still freaked out and forgot all I was saying... yeesh embarrassing. Later that night I went outside and hung with Kayla and Brenden until another group of manga loving whovians gave me some spoilers.... curse them... We all went back to our tents, Kayla went to sleep with no problem, but me and Tekie kept talking about our books and stuff. The next morning I went and I ate lunch with Jea, Milan, and Adrianne, who were very quiet, I guess they were tired or something, but I'm not to fond of awkward silences, so I went in search of something to do and found Kylie, and hung out with them till it was time to go, since I'd already packed. Then we went off again. It was a lot more fun this time since Kayla, Mark, and I all could talk about highschool, music, and stuff. My dress got caught on barbed wire though, and Joseph stopped to help me even though he was supposed to be pushing. I insisted I was good, but they insisted on stopping and Joseph insisted on helping me... my dress ended up getting ripped -.- completely ripped. sigh. well not too far up the road everyone had to stop for like forever. It turned out that Sydnee had gotten heat exhaustion and hadn't been walking due to her blisters and a bunch of boys too turns carrying her back up. About an hour later we were all back on the road and heading towards the women's pull site. Once we got there, all the boys headed off, while us girls we told about what the pull was about and how it represented what it was like for our ancestors during the Mormon battalion or when the fathers and men would die and we'd be left with all our children and wagons. They explained that they had made the terrain as hard as it could get, and let me say, no joke I was sinking in sand and dust that kept blowing in my eyes. By the time lunch came I was full of dirt. But anyhow, me and Kayla were taking care of the front since that was the hardest and we were the strongest. At one point a lady came and helped us, and when some others said they needed help I offered to go, but they said I was needed at my wagon and that Kayla should go. Near the end I almost burst out laughing. They had set all the boys out there and were having them attempt to recite the Young Women's theme. They were everywhere! When one'd be saying virtue another'd be on faith! The boys doing that was probably supposed to be sweet and meaningful but it was really just cute and funny if anything. Once I reached the end, most girls rested, but me and a few of the others went back and helped the ones who still weren't quite there yet. Even after all that I still wasn't tired which was really surprising. Although all the men kept telling us girls to rest, I could've still pushed! As I found out later Bonnie felt the same as well and even tried to, like I did. When lunch came I chatted with Kayla, then Bonnie, and the finally had a HUGE water fight with Hailey, Sydnee, and Kylie! Hailey and I especially soaked each other, but within 5 min. of the trail were completely dry. We had one last (however you spell it) vinette (in which we all gathered and were told stories of the pioneers and given an object to help us remember, and then we headed off to the river crossing. Most of us girls didn't want to be carried and were planning on walking it and splashing each other and having fun, until they gathered us all up, told us we couldn't mess around, talk, or refuse to be carried... So much for that idea. Now if you know me, I hate people touching me, it's waaaay too awkward. Add in the part about carrying, now we're just getting ridiculous! On that trip there were only 5 people I'd be okay with carrying me that I think could hold my weight and in my little family I think only Mark could. I had no idea what I was gonna do. By the time we got there I was shaking. People started carrying others across the water, and then Joseph approached me and was like, "Should we carry our sisters across first?" And I was just there like, "um... sorry but I just need some time to calm down first." He left, and I breathed a heavy sigh of relief. He ended up carrying this girl named Sofia down, and I think he dropped her, just what I was afraid of. A little later on Gin went up and since we weren't supposed to talk looked at me and waved me over. I looked down and then back up, he smiled and waved me over. Cute foreign dude pretty much asking to carry me over the river... Heck yes! I walked over there, and he asked me whether I wanted to go piggyback or just be carried like the other girls. I said I didn't care, and he scooped me up. Let me just say inside I was totally fangirling. Like totally and completely! When I got to the other side I was like dazed and smiling. Saw Kylie, and ran over that way. Once I did I talked to her about it a bit, and let me just say I was like shy smiling which is awkward. When it was all done we left and kept going. Once we all finished we all gathered together and I fangirled to Kayla. Said goodbye to my friends, and had one last water fight with Hailey in which we soaked Kylie, Sydnee, Jea, and each other one last time. On the bus ride home me Hailey and Kylie all sang songs and joked around a lot, until we finally got back to the church. I got my stuff, was calling mom, until she showed up and then went home, and showered! It was really fun!
Last night, Rachel (in a tone of too much enjoyment) yelled, "Whoever spanks Ruth gets 1 billion points!"
In shock I jumped up and half screamed, "What!? Why!?"
Rachel just looked at me and replied, "Because you're butt's so big"
-_- I have no comment on that issue...
In shock I jumped up and half screamed, "What!? Why!?"
Rachel just looked at me and replied, "Because you're butt's so big"
-_- I have no comment on that issue...
Saturday, May 11, 2013
I have no idea what to write, but I haven't written for a while so you know... I did go on a couple field trips though. One was for foods and we went to chuck-a-rama, let me tell you, their food was good, but it was dry. I did have fun with the drink machines! Orange julius and icecream!!!!! yesh!!!!!! and I also went on this field trip to different temples, one was hindu one was islamic and one was buddhist. I have to note that it just felt wrong (and all smelt strange). None of the places we went to had the spirit and you could just tell. One even had a gift shop in it... oddness... the same one also had two birds who were plotting our deaths the entire time. You could tell, they were the weeping angels pets! Kill once you blink! Oh and yes I am completely obsessed with doctor who! Especially the eleventh doctor, he's my favorite! Kate likes Tenant, but I'm over here just like 'SMITHY!!!!!!'. Fangirling!!! Lately my life has been homework and sleep, which is very droll and no fun... Blech! CRT's are this week so my teachers are packing it! Ugh!!! cannot wait till the last week of school!!! It'll be soooo fun!!!!! Well there's my entry. Done, not much happened lately anyhow so ya know.
Monday, April 15, 2013
It wasn't until this new kid moved in that the boys started picking on my friends... Now me I'm totally fine if people pick on me, but not my friends! We thought it was gonna just be now and then but lately they've been getting out of hand. Mainly they pick on my friend Emily, because she's the smartest and really doesn't notice it that much. Then she started noticing it and started being rude to them. They picked on her even more and for just everything she did. We started getting fed up about it and so did she did. She started just being rude and not caring anymore... The rest of us felt those affects and wanted it stopped for a while it had, and now it's happening again. But Emily's also bringing upon herself this time. Though unlike the times before they're bringing my friends in on it. Lately I have totally gotten sick of it! I've been courteous. I've been kind, but last Friday was my breaking point. Thanks to them mine and Kilee's projects are now late, I have an F due to that, Emily's been stress eating, Tayvia's been distant, Kilee's been silent, me, McCall, and Emma have just gotten mad. And thanks to them making us have to do notes and backsassing the teacher and Emily we've been backsassing them and being kinda rude... I feel bad about being rude, I mean I gave one of them a death glare, because him and his other accomplice hit me in the head with an object they were throwing across the room. Friday due to a horrid day(actually month) I broke down and mom saw it and I told her... She seems to think I'm overexagerating, but I just feel bad and am completely sick of it. I'm gonna try to handle dealing with it in a more kind way, but I really don't know how to stop them... At the moment I'm just gonna pray for a guidance and hope for the best, oh and try not to blow up.... I can be pretty saucy.
Monday, March 25, 2013
15th Birthday
Well my birthday's have been kind of odd since I moved to Utah and this year's was NO exception. The school had a snow day a while back and they decided to put the makeup day today. So pretty much this was a limbo day because it wasn't in third term and it wasn't in fourth term it was just, there. Most of the teachers didn't know what to do, so they just had us to this random work. Me, normally being in limbo at school it was extra limboey. It was a limbo girl on a limbo day, which equals really boring and tiresome day. The first few periods just dragged and dragged and lunch along with them. I got sung to in seminary, but then one boy asked me if I could drive (in other words if I had gotten my permit). I told him not yet, and that's when people started asking if I was 16 cause they took it the wrong way. Alright now back at lunch I was just falling asleep the entire time... zzzz...... wake.....zzzzzz.....wake...... half sleep walk on to art..... In art I finished making the shape for my mask, now all I have to do is plaster, paint and put sequins on it. Me and the others mostly talked the whole time as usual though. Finally food/nutrition rolled around. We were baking today and I wasn't that excited I was still in limbo. Yesterday we moved around groups and I ended up with one boy from my science table (good thing... those guys are actually nice to me) and then the rest of them are those ghetto people who swear and are really creepy. Thankfully me and the boy from science were the only ones there. I grabbed my regular apron from Melissa. It's a BRIGHT green with red polka dots, red frills at the bottom, and big ladybug pockets. Because there was only two of us we had to switch over to other groups. And again I ended up with a group that swears, thankfully they didn't today but ya know... At that point they were pretty much done making the cupcakes so I dried and put away dishes. By the time the bell rang I grabbed my two cupcakes and left. On the way there I met up with one of my friends and gave them a cupcake. Then I got to my locker which was two complete halls away in other words the opposite side of the school. After I got there I started to open my locker and then someone bumped into me, which is odd because that never happens because everyone walks on the other side of the hall due to lockers. As I was turning around I heard a familiar voice say, "Sorry about that." It was my crush... Depau Moran. Awkward... Then I also heard him say to his friends, "That was mean." and then I got back to gathering my stuff. Now mind you the halls were almost empty at this point. As soon as I got my backpack on I noticed something green on my shoulder. It was the apron. I hadn't taken the apron off before I left food/nutrition. Panic flashed through my mind, and then I realized a running handicap... my cupcake. So I offered it to the only person next to me, a nice guy (from many of my classes) that I know pretty well. But as he was about to take it, it fell of the plate frosting first. Crap. I tried to clean it up as much as possible, but couldn't get it all the way off. Sigh. Goodbye cupcake. I started running apron in hand. Then thankfully I met up with Kilee and Madison, and Kilee brought it to Mrs. Tracy's for me! Yeah! So I make it to the bus but had to sit with a person I don't know. Well by the time the bus was almost to my stop I noticed that my jacket was still at school either inside my locker... or out... When I get home I needed to shower and go to the bathroom right away. But Kate kinda insisted I stay for just one min. Turns out it was like actually 5 and also turns out that she had bought me the song 'Fifteen' by Taylor Swift. Then I went upstairs told mom about my day. Then I read a new manga book, and the day went on and it was pretty good. Finally it was time to have dinner cake and presents! Yeah! The dinner was curry and my cake was delicious it had a pineapple-coconut-cream cheese frosting. The gifts I got were amazing! I got an MP3player, headphones, Tsubasa, chocolate, a key chain, and some other things! It was pretty awesome! Then I watched Dr. Who and went to bed pretty much and that was it! Yeah it was very interesting. and sorry bout not finishing this post that night have been really busy
Saturday, March 9, 2013
So lately I've needed glasses to see the white board in school... actually this isn't a recent developement I've needed them since 7th but lately they've gotten worse. Finally last week mom took me to the eye doctor and I got a checkup. So here I am now with a weeks worth of 1 day contacts. It's nice being able to see everything, and I know I'll get used to them in time, but for the moment they're kind of a pain.Since I'm used to colors being a little blended and not as vibrant I feel like I'm being blinded by all of these bright edges and vibrant curves that cut off from each other immediately. Also my perspective with them on is different and it just feels wrong. Everything's smaller and thinner and strange and it makes me dizzy. My last and final issue is that I unlike many others, have trouble with the contact not sticking to my eye, and it's a pain. I'll get it in or be holding it to my eye for like a minute and it just won't stick. Sigh. I hope the non-one day contacts won't have trouble sticking or maybe it's just something with my eyes. Oh well... I do love that I can see better though! and I have to thank mom for getting me there and getting me them!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Well a few days ago I came home to my sheets off my bed which is not an uncommon sight because my mom normally takes my sheets off while I'm at school to wash them.Though one thing was odd, all my blankets were just on the floor. It kinda made me wonder. The next day mom was talking about something unusual that has been happening. Kito (our cat) has been peeing out blood which is never a good sign. Then mom started listing off places he had peed. First place, my bed, second floor and third was somewhere I can't remember. At that point my mind had just flashed to the first place mom had named. My bed... really? MY BED! Ew!!!!! Mystery solved. Ruth disgusted and Kate apologizing and telling me I wasn't supposed to find out... Also it's really sad Kito could have one of many things and none of them are good. I will be REALLY REALLY sad if he dies! :'O
Monday, February 25, 2013
the past couple of weeks
It's been really hard these past couple of weeks. My teachers have been homework crazy and they've been assigning the biggest things! Finally it's done for the moment. Also last week was really stressful because of musical. Man I was soo tired and grumpy... kinda wish I could go back and try to change my attitude on the matter, but oh well... Anyhow the musical was pretty good, except the leads only got their books taken away the Thursday before the play. So most of them aounded like they were just reading out of a book. One of the most annoying things that happened was that the boys kept coming into the girls dressing room! and some of the girls were okay with that! I almost flipped... if I owned some pepper spray I would've brought it... YEESH! Boys... -_- it went pretty good besides that though! :) anyhow I'm hoping that these next few weeks aren't half of busy! that would be great just to have a break and some free time! WHOO!
Monday, February 18, 2013
Valentine's Day
Valentines day was fine. In English it started out with a surprise test (that I apparently missed monday) for me and silly roses are red poem writing for the rest of the class. I have to say my two favorite poems read aloud were 'you don't like me, I don't like you, I'm forever alone and now you are too" which was my friend's and then Tayvia's "Roses are red, that part is true, violets are purple, not frickin blue" Then I went into seminary, in which I had to present... with my partner... the infamous Rob... -_- He had no idea what he was doing... I don't even think he read the assignment! He just looked at the ones I had written down and said 'Those are the same ones I did" and just added several ones after those paragraphs that changed the topic... I was not amused at all, I wasn't in the best of moods anyhow. Then of course as always half of the boys (on the other side of the room of course) starting teasing being like 'Oh the love birds!' and of course they know I don't like him. I so gave them the glare of a lifetime! they were like 'WHOA!' and pretty much stopped, or at least the ones who know me well stopped. So it was more okay, but it was still annoying, cause Rob seemed to get the idea that I liked him and was like 'Oh she's fine with it' and something about it being true or what not... I glared at him... and I think they all (except him) got the message that if he said something like that again... no one is allowed to say I'm fine with me being in that type of stuff! EVER! that is like my rule! The day went on as normal. and was pretty fun! at lunch it was lunch and but this time instead of Kilee going up to Emma and shoving a piece of broccoli in her mouth while saying 'eat healthy' Emma struck back! As kilee sat down Emma took a piece of her red pepper. Walked over to Kilee, shoved it in her mouth and said, 'Your turn! Eat healthy!' We all almost died laughing! except kilee who was dying from the spice of the pepper. Then came art, in which we were forced to watch an annoying video on origami... Sigh... I fail at origami... Then finally came eighth period! the one we'd all been dreading! It's the one in which the flowers and chocolates we all bought for each other are sent! I was excited about this because me and my friends all sent flowers to each other! Us who had second lunch kinda went off hand and wrote creepy stalker notes as ours... that was when we found out that Miss Fillian reads over all the notes and trashes any creepy ones, and we were going to discover whether she realized that it was just of friends being silly to each other, or didn't even think about it. I mean what type of guy would sign 'Love your Prince Charming'? Anyhow so we finished up our labs of cinnamon rolls and waited to receive our valentines. I ended up with two one from Kat who was in first lunch and didn't know about the creepy notes so hers was sent. The second I couldn't and still can't tell if it's a guys or a girls handwriting, but it wasn't from any of my friends, that's for sure. My one to Stephanie wasn't sent, I mean she got the flower but not the note instead it was just a note with sharpie that said her name. We checked on the others and none, and I mean NONE of ours who were in second lunch got sent. It was quite amusing as we all fell to the ground laughing our heads off. Then I went on to musical practice in which I left my flowers down by my stuff and went to go sit by my friends and have fun. Since it was valentines day one of my friends mom bought us all food! GAH! I was so happy! I mean after school we're all zombies for food! Play practice was fine and fun and we got home and then I got straight to math work which is bleh... but it was still a pretty good day!
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Valentines Stake Dance
Well this was the first dance I was at that most of it was the guys asking the girls and not the other way around. I danced with 6 guys and yes I had to count them off. I could've danced with more, but you know. :) So it started out with like no one being there, just me, Sydnee, Mabel, Christina and a few people we didn't really know... And then there was Lindsey West and her gang of girls, or it was the other eighth grade flirt with a couple less boyfriends as Lindsey but still looks the exact same. Well of course they were gonna flirt and who did they choose to do it with... All guys I like... silly cruel eighth graders. So as the music started we kept dancing like idiots, and having fun... and then I noticed this super cute super tall guy walk in. I'd seen him before because he goes to the 9:00 ward and choir for us starts at 10:30. I stopped flat in my tracks... cause yeah I'm stupid. We had all made a goal to dance with one guy tonight and by my friends observations I could tell who they were gonna force me to dance with. As the night wore on no one I really new or was friends with from my school was there, sadly only a mean guy I knew and several girls who already have like 12 boyfriends and want more. Which is sad, because that's not a good thing. There were numerous games at the dance and at one all the girls had to throw their shoes into the middle, so of course I did, but if I had known what would happen I wouldn't. A guy picked up my shoe and apparently I now had to dance with him... He did not carry a conversation, could not dance, and wasn't cute... of all tragedies! Not to long later my friends ganged up on me... We were chatting and then a slow song came on and Mabel just walked off, I was like, "Mabel, where are you going?" she just turned around and smiled and that's when I realized she was heading towards the cute guy... I turned around and headed to the food table, Sydnee then turned towards me and asked me where I was going, I told her I was getting a cookie, but she didn't hear so I just made the eating gestures cause I'm weird like that. I went over and picked up a cookie, Mabel and Sydnee had disappeared, but as soon as I took one bite of the (obviously target) cookie they were there. And joining with them smiling so cutely was him... GAH! I went soooo red. They walked up to me, and Mabel said something to the fact of, this is her. (I still need to discover what Mabel told him.... -_- hm... she can be pretty cruel and teasy so I kinda wondering) She took the cookie from me, and being so scared I didn't make a move to grab it again. Sydnee then asked him how old he was and what his name was whilst Mabel tried to push me into him which I forced the push towards Sydnee. (Turns out his name's Cameron and he's 15.) Then Sydnee and Mabel pushed me into him saying I was shy and he just smiled and said that was okay. He started the dance, and might I add, he was a GREAT dancer, and kept up a conversation making me laugh all the while. We talked about what schools we went to, and as it turns he goes to a private school in pleasant grove, and as I called PRIVATE SCHOOL BOYS ARE AMAZING!!!!!! He discovered I go to the same stake as him... sad cause I've known that for like a couple months. The dance ended so darn fast, and he went off to his friends while I starvinly went to my cookie (I had forgotten to get dinner before I left). My friends all came up to me, and apparently to them I looked like I was about to cry, which might be true if you can actually have tears of joy. Then I saw something horrid, something that should never happen, Lindsey West (or the other girl who I wonder if she's her twin) asked him to dance, asked for his number, etc etc. At least he wasn't really smiling. Thankfully. In fact the rest of the night Lindsey and her gang wouldn't let him out of their sight! I danced with two more people one small boy who had never been to a dance before, and one foreign exchange student. It was 10 at this point and Mabel just discovered her crush was a jerk, well I knew that all along, but poor her, she was so mad at him. I have to admit I was really mad at Lindsey and her friends, I mean it's always the guys me or my friends like that she attacks like a mad dog starving for attention. (I hate to see ANYONE reeled in by her, even if I don't like some of my friends crushes) Plus I was REALLY REALLY starving. So while all my other friends were dancing with guys they thought were cute I decided to go to the back and do a few handsprings, handstands, cartwheels, and round-offs in the back. A circle came around and people were dancing in the middle, so being pushed by Sydnee I did a handspring trough it! Yesh I was wearing a tank so nothing showed, and I think I got Lindsey a little jealous... SCORE! Finally the last dance came, I sat down, cause I wasn't really in the mood to dance I was just hungry, when a boy asked me to dance. I said sure (though I wasn't into it) and might I say it was the worst mistake ever! Almost near the end of his song I noticed his friends making hearts toward us I rolled my eyes and shook my head... crazy people. Then one of them came up and said "You know you should kiss him." My inside reaction was strangling the poor fellow, my outside one was "Sorry mine's (meaning my kiss) is being saved" His friends then replied about how I was pretty and he was handsome (no no he wasn't at all. The opposite of my type to be precise) and I just said no and pretty much left. I then met up with my friends who had a wonderful time. Me I was with Mabel. One of Lindsey's friends wouldn't wouldn't leave Cameron alone (while he tried to leave had her and her friends drag him back) man I don't like flirts, danced with several shorties who couldn't really dance, and then was told I should kiss an ugly fellow... Not cool -_- But other than that it was great! It was soooo fun, and I had a great time meeting new people! Especially all these hilarious and fun girls who apparently are in our stake! And on the car ride back we sang girls camp songs and laughed!
Though I had one odd thing when I came home... turns out my mom knows Cameron's mom... AWKWARD!!!!!!!! >.<
Though I had one odd thing when I came home... turns out my mom knows Cameron's mom... AWKWARD!!!!!!!! >.<
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Kate is the best sister I could have dreamed of having. Sometimes she can be cruel, but I can be rude to. I love my drawing talking manga playing funny deffinet best friend forever because I can't and she even hacked my blog! can you believe it!
the mixed/hacked post
I do love her a lot though! and she is awesome! I guess this is payback for me hacking hers! (Try to guess which part I cut in of this blog) ;)
the mixed/hacked post
I do love her a lot though! and she is awesome! I guess this is payback for me hacking hers! (Try to guess which part I cut in of this blog) ;)
Friday, February 1, 2013
I had one of the most embarrassing moments of my life today! Worse than my shirt coming up in front of a guy I like while I'm doing a cartwheel. Today started out with a nightmare... on to almost missing the bus to Parker sitting next to me telling my friends about the infamous 'Abe' -_- all I said was he was cute... not that I liked him.... Then it went to my being brain dead all day and almost falling asleep to the point where I looked annoyed and everyone asked if I was alright, to while running to get to class falling face first in the snow, losing my shoe, and getting all my assignments wet. Finally biology came around and the test was pretty easy, but some things made no sense, and having to make 20 punnet squares and answering 40 other questions in 30 min. Because of that we were late for lunch, and then almost late for art. In art, it was fun, but I discovered I'd have to change what I was doing. About the end of class my friend Kilee made me laugh so hard that I started to pee my pants because I'd been holding it in since the first of the day. (luckily it wasn't visible) On the way to dropping my stuff off in Foods class and heading to the bathroom I basically walked right into my crush (again after starting to pee my pants....) GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then after class I had Musical practice, while heading there, I realized I'd left my stuff in my locker and had to go get it before those halls were closed off. None of my friends came with me, and when I had come back there were no seats by them. Waiting 1 hour doing nothing while they sang was exhaustingly droll. Finally I was told by a girl (8th grader) that I looked exactly like my sister (iow my pet peve on a bad day) Now me and Kate, even though we look related... we don't look alike, we have COMPLETELY different features... and she kept pushing it, then I took of my fuzzy hat and this other 8th grader (ARE THEY IGNORANT TO FEELINGS!?!?!??!?!) told me my hair was an awful mess... well yeah I know... rough day... practice went on... blech... not a fun day
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Pet Peeves
One of my biggest pet peeves is being told I sound/look/act like somebody else... If it's a book character or something like that it doesn't bother me, but other wise... 90% of the time it drives me nuts! I get it so often and even from people I barely know who tell me that I look like someone they know but I don't! Grah! It's soooo annoying! Or even when it's someone I do know, It's like no... I am not them! Stop making comparisons about me to them 24/7 PLEASE!And whenever I answer the phone they think I'm mom! I'm just about ready to end the call right when they say, 'Hello Diane' -_- curse you!
I do admit that it's something I need to work on. It bugs me that bad! Cause so far if I'm having a great day and someone then tells me something like that... the day has been ruined! epicly ruined! *sob*
I do admit that it's something I need to work on. It bugs me that bad! Cause so far if I'm having a great day and someone then tells me something like that... the day has been ruined! epicly ruined! *sob*
Sunday, January 27, 2013
I love anime guys! They are like the perfect men, 90% of the time handsome, and almost always complete gentleman. Who doesn't want a guy like that?! Well back in Kansas when I was about ten and Kate nine; Kate fell in love with one anime guy named Heihatchi. Now she is VERY possessive over guys when she likes one (like Robin in the Dark Night Rises). But Heihatchi is the one! He is the one for her, personality, looks, humor, everything. Not even I can deny that. Lately we have been re-watching the series with him in it. And so when Anya our five year old sister pointed to a picture Heihatchi and said, "He's cute! He's mine!" Kate was mad! She kept pulling Anya aside and gave a very frank talk about how Heihatchi was HERS and nobody else's and would ALWAYS be hers! Then she continued to go on about Anya should like someone else like Kyuzou (the one I like!) and persisted Anya should love him instead of Heihatchi.... ouch!
Word eventually got to our parents about this argument, and they wanted in, in a way. Dad could not comprehend the argument and then said that, "He's not even human! We could just make a photocopy for both of you." Kate's reaction was about what an outrage this was, and how Anya could N.O.T like him cause he was H.E.R.S. and so on and so on. Frankly it was quite amusing.
We then looked at pics of heihatchi joking about printing them out and putting them in both of the girls rooms.... I couldn't stop laughing, and Kate and Anya were both sooooooo mad! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! You have not seen pathetically amusingly awesome till you've seen an argument over who's a manga guy really is!
Word eventually got to our parents about this argument, and they wanted in, in a way. Dad could not comprehend the argument and then said that, "He's not even human! We could just make a photocopy for both of you." Kate's reaction was about what an outrage this was, and how Anya could N.O.T like him cause he was H.E.R.S. and so on and so on. Frankly it was quite amusing.
We then looked at pics of heihatchi joking about printing them out and putting them in both of the girls rooms.... I couldn't stop laughing, and Kate and Anya were both sooooooo mad! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! You have not seen pathetically amusingly awesome till you've seen an argument over who's a manga guy really is!
![]() | |
Picture of the soon to be infamous Heihatchi! As Kate says, "He's perfect!" |
Picture of all seven samurai in the Manga 'Samurai 7' |
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Tayvia's Surprise Party
Okay two weeks ago, we started planning a surprise birthday party for her and last night was when it happened. Yesterday I knew SOMETHING was bound to go wrong since the rest of the day something had (example, I looked GREAT even the principal complimented me (she's a girl) but my crush wasn't there!!!!) Me and mom were planning on picking up the majority of people at 5:30 cause we had to be there at six, but mom really wanted to go to the temple so she left at 3:45 expecting to be back at like 5. WRONG she arrived home at six, and we didn't pick up anyone... *tear* but I couldn't really blame her at all cause normally it doesn't take half as long for her at the temple and they had told her her 35 min wait was going to be a 15 min wait. So as I arrived (I asked mom to come in with me cause I wasn't quite sure what to do) Thankfully Tay Tay's mom was in on the party and paid for a room and all of our skating, so they pointed me directly to the room. Whilst I walked in I almost ruined the surprise I was so late! I walked in RIGHT behind Tay right after they yelled surprise. Thankfully she didn't notice I was there, and I quickly snuck to the back with the rest of the group. Her parents left, and we were left to the room with an hour. We started by giving her her gifts. The girls who had been at Kat's house had made cards, and some had bought her gifts. Like Fadora's and Fuzzy blankets. I had made her a card and had made two little hair bands, mostly that can be used in her effort to hide her ipod during school. Then we moved on to eating dinner, which was pizza, and yes we FINALLY got McCall to call them. Being me, a dis-liker of pizza, I just drank some lemonade, and waited for cake. Sadly the made me laugh so hard that while drinking my lemonade it came up splashed me in the eye and made me choke on the stuff that was in my mouth. Let me just say that it HURT, but was pretty funny. After washing my face I returned in which they made me laugh, and again I choked and almost peed my pants. Again I went and washed my face, this time returning and drinking it fast enough it didn't happen again. Cake time came, and Tay got the first piece, then I scooped my piece up with a fork and attempted to get it all in my mouth, cause I didn't have a plate. It worked and it was soooooooooooo good! I loved it! After everyone got some I came and at more! and more! and more! till it was time to clean up. Then me, Maquela, Lindsay, and Emma went to the bathroom and we all went to get our skates. We packed our stuff into two lockers and traded our shoes. I got my skates on fine even though they were a size to big. Surprisingly I had no trouble getting onto the ice and starting skating. It was my first time ever, and really easy at first. I didn't even hold onto the ledge. Then the others came and joined us on the ice, two of the others hadn't gone on before and most of the time was spent teaching them. I felt so accomplished of me and Emma when I got her to skate on her own without falling. I left Emma to skate on her own for a bit as I joined some of the others. A guy who had once called Kilee (one of our friends who wasn't there at the time) a moron was there, and apparently comes often. We decided to call out to him. So Sassra (Tay's buddy from Park city) yelled out to him. He started to skate away saying nothing, and then she called to him again he came over and the convo went something like this,
"What's your name girl?"
"What do you want?"
"I'll have my body gaurd take care of you" he gestured to one of his friends, a tall one who earlier had accidentally knocked Emma over.
"I'm paid" his friend said.
"You can't do that that's illegal"
"Well I guess I'll have to pay you off too."
"No way!"
and then he skated off, and we all yelled 'Kilee Moron!!!"
He paused and looked back at us, he went around and came back in which we argued about Kilee being a moron. I was angry! He called one of my friends a moron and insisted it!And then he just kept being an idiotic boy! I swear I was holding my temper in and stayed pretty quiet. WHAT A JERK! though he had a super super super cute quiet friend of his... and I mean super cute. He kept giving this 'I don't care look' which was so adorable... Yeah I'm a dork.
After that huge argument, I went off and helped the others skate more and just went about laughing and having fun. I even learned to skate backwards! Until one of my skates became loose enough that I had to retie it. With the help of Sassra the shoe was tied once more and a discovery was made, that a skater (not me) had ran over my long laces and had chopped off part of it, which was kind of odd on it's own. On the whole it was really fun! Towards the end I mostly stayed with Stephanie and Maddison till finally it was time to leave.
In the line to return our skates I heard a crunch behind us... someone had stepped on our beautiful cake in skates!!! :'( I ran to it in despair! the lid was totally crunched inward and the front half of the cake was ruined! I'm sure I must've looked like an idiot mourning over cake, but it had been just so beautiful, with it's tangy frosting and tasteful berries. I then returned to the line, and made light conversation with the others till I returned the skates and got my boots back. Then I grabbed my stuff and was ready to head to a store with the others, and then I received a call. It was mom and she was here. Being really tired and my foot hurting badly I said goodbye to everyone and left, and that was the end of it. All in all it was awesome!
"What's your name girl?"
"What do you want?"
"I'll have my body gaurd take care of you" he gestured to one of his friends, a tall one who earlier had accidentally knocked Emma over.
"I'm paid" his friend said.
"You can't do that that's illegal"
"Well I guess I'll have to pay you off too."
"No way!"
and then he skated off, and we all yelled 'Kilee Moron!!!"
He paused and looked back at us, he went around and came back in which we argued about Kilee being a moron. I was angry! He called one of my friends a moron and insisted it!And then he just kept being an idiotic boy! I swear I was holding my temper in and stayed pretty quiet. WHAT A JERK! though he had a super super super cute quiet friend of his... and I mean super cute. He kept giving this 'I don't care look' which was so adorable... Yeah I'm a dork.
After that huge argument, I went off and helped the others skate more and just went about laughing and having fun. I even learned to skate backwards! Until one of my skates became loose enough that I had to retie it. With the help of Sassra the shoe was tied once more and a discovery was made, that a skater (not me) had ran over my long laces and had chopped off part of it, which was kind of odd on it's own. On the whole it was really fun! Towards the end I mostly stayed with Stephanie and Maddison till finally it was time to leave.
In the line to return our skates I heard a crunch behind us... someone had stepped on our beautiful cake in skates!!! :'( I ran to it in despair! the lid was totally crunched inward and the front half of the cake was ruined! I'm sure I must've looked like an idiot mourning over cake, but it had been just so beautiful, with it's tangy frosting and tasteful berries. I then returned to the line, and made light conversation with the others till I returned the skates and got my boots back. Then I grabbed my stuff and was ready to head to a store with the others, and then I received a call. It was mom and she was here. Being really tired and my foot hurting badly I said goodbye to everyone and left, and that was the end of it. All in all it was awesome!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
New Year's Resolutions
Well it's almost 2013. One more year is gone, slipped right on by. Yup.. Oh and now it's the season of resolutions... I don't even remember making one last year so i think I pretty much fulfilled it!
This year though I shall make one and it shall be, To do my best in school and attempt to get all A's!!! Bring it on 2013! I feel confident! well maybe..
This year though I shall make one and it shall be, To do my best in school and attempt to get all A's!!! Bring it on 2013! I feel confident! well maybe..
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