Monday, March 25, 2013

15th Birthday

Well my birthday's have been kind of odd since I moved to Utah and this year's was NO exception. The school had a snow day a while back and they decided to put the makeup day today. So pretty much this was a limbo day because it wasn't in third term and it wasn't in fourth term it was just, there. Most of the teachers didn't know what to do, so they just had us to this random work. Me, normally being in limbo at school it was extra limboey. It was a limbo girl on a limbo day, which equals really boring and tiresome day. The first few periods just dragged and dragged and lunch along with them. I got sung to in seminary, but then one boy asked me if I could drive (in other words if I had gotten my permit). I told him not yet, and that's when people started asking if I was 16 cause they took it the wrong way. Alright now back at lunch I was just falling asleep the entire time... zzzz...... wake.....zzzzzz.....wake...... half sleep walk on to art..... In art I finished making the shape for my mask, now all I have to do is plaster, paint and put sequins on it. Me and the others mostly talked the whole time as usual though. Finally food/nutrition rolled around. We were baking today and I wasn't that excited I was still in limbo. Yesterday we moved around groups and I ended up with one boy from my science table (good thing... those guys are actually nice to me) and then the rest of them are those ghetto people who swear and are really creepy. Thankfully me and the boy from science were the only ones there. I grabbed my regular apron from Melissa. It's a BRIGHT green with red polka dots, red frills at the bottom, and big ladybug pockets. Because there was only two of us we had to switch over to other groups. And again I ended up with a group that swears, thankfully they didn't today but ya know... At that point they were pretty much done making the cupcakes so I dried and put away dishes. By the time the bell rang I grabbed my two cupcakes and left. On the way there I met up with one of my friends and gave them a cupcake. Then I got to my locker which was two complete halls away in other words the opposite side of the school. After I got there I started to open my locker and then someone bumped into me, which is odd because that never happens because everyone walks on the other side of the hall due to lockers. As I was turning around I heard a familiar voice say, "Sorry about that." It was my crush... Depau Moran. Awkward... Then I also heard him say to his friends, "That was mean." and then I got back to gathering my stuff. Now mind you the halls were almost empty at this point. As soon as I got my backpack on I noticed something green on my shoulder. It was the apron. I hadn't taken the apron off before I left food/nutrition. Panic flashed through my mind, and then I realized a running handicap... my cupcake. So I offered it to the only person next to me, a nice guy (from many of my classes) that I know pretty well. But as he was about to take it, it fell of the plate frosting first. Crap. I tried to clean it up as much as possible, but couldn't get it all the way off. Sigh. Goodbye cupcake. I started running apron in hand. Then thankfully I met up with Kilee and Madison, and Kilee brought it to Mrs. Tracy's for me! Yeah! So I make it to the bus but had to sit with a person I don't know. Well by the time the bus was almost to my stop I noticed that my jacket was still at school either inside my locker... or out... When I get home I needed to shower and go to the bathroom right away. But Kate kinda insisted I stay for just one min. Turns out it was like actually 5 and also turns out that she had bought me the song 'Fifteen' by Taylor Swift. Then I went upstairs told mom about my day. Then I read a new manga book, and the day went on and it was pretty good. Finally it was time to have dinner cake and presents! Yeah! The dinner was curry and my cake was delicious it had a pineapple-coconut-cream cheese frosting. The gifts I got were amazing! I got an MP3player, headphones, Tsubasa, chocolate, a key chain, and some other things! It was pretty awesome! Then I watched Dr. Who and went to bed pretty much and that was it! Yeah it was very interesting. and sorry bout not finishing this post that night have been really busy

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