Thursday, February 28, 2013


Well a few days ago I came home to my sheets off my bed which is not an uncommon sight because my mom normally takes my sheets off while I'm at school  to wash them.Though one thing was odd, all my blankets were just on the floor. It kinda made me wonder. The next day mom was talking about something unusual that has been happening. Kito (our cat) has been peeing out blood which is never a good sign. Then mom started listing off places he had peed. First place, my bed, second floor and third was somewhere I can't remember. At that point my mind had just flashed to the first place mom had named. My bed... really? MY BED! Ew!!!!! Mystery solved. Ruth disgusted and Kate apologizing and telling me I wasn't supposed to find out... Also it's really sad Kito could have one of many things and none of them are good. I will be REALLY REALLY sad if he dies! :'O

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