Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pet Peeves

One of my biggest pet peeves is being told I sound/look/act like somebody else... If it's a book character or something like that it doesn't bother me, but other wise... 90% of the time it drives me nuts! I get it so often and even from people I barely know who tell me that I look like someone they know but I don't! Grah! It's soooo annoying! Or even when it's someone I do know, It's like no... I am not them! Stop making comparisons about me to them 24/7 PLEASE!And whenever I answer the phone they think I'm mom! I'm just about ready to end the call right when they say, 'Hello Diane' -_- curse you!
I do admit that it's something I need to work on. It bugs me that bad! Cause so far if I'm having a great day and someone then tells me something like that... the day has been ruined! epicly ruined! *sob*

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