Sunday, July 28, 2013

Fourth of July

Week of the 4th of July --
On Monday we went over our imdediate reaction was to leap into the pool. It was fun but it got even better when Riley and her family came and everyone played pomp! It was rougher than it has been in a while. That night me and kate went on the tramp and chatted with Riley.
Tuesday I didn't want to shower again soooo I didn't go swimming! ^.^ pretty much I just kinda fell asleep on the couch cause I went to bed at like 3am and then had woken up at like 6:30ish and couldn't really get back to sleep although I tried for a few hours.
Wednessday: Pretty much the same as tuesday except I think I went swimming... swimming was really fun! Pomp especially ya know I might've confused Tuesday with Wednesday... well all in all it was good times in the pool with cousins!
Thurs/ Fourth of July: Fourth of July we got here and jumped in the pool! We played games and had pool fun and then it was dinner! Yummy! Pretty much everything at grandma's is soo good! Since it was the fourth we had soda, pink fluff, chips, homemade icecream, the lot! While we were eating Lizzie and Emma came! I was expecting them to come a lot later so I was really happy! We went outside, watched the fireworks, and then we went in and played the story game! But sadly we had to go home...
We didn't go back because all the kids were grumpy and tired, people at grandma's got sick, and we had to rest up and pack for camping... I'm sorry I missed most of the reunion... it was so fun for what I was there for!!!

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