Saturday, March 9, 2013


So lately I've needed glasses to see the white board in school... actually this isn't a recent developement I've needed them since 7th but lately they've gotten worse. Finally last week mom took me to the eye doctor and I got a checkup. So here I am now with a weeks worth of 1 day contacts. It's nice being able to see everything, and I know I'll get used to them in time, but for the moment they're kind of a pain.Since I'm used to colors being a little blended and not as vibrant I feel like I'm being blinded by all of these bright edges and vibrant curves that cut off from each other immediately. Also my perspective with them on is different and it just feels wrong. Everything's smaller and thinner and strange and it makes me dizzy. My last and final issue is that I unlike many others, have trouble with the contact not sticking to my eye, and it's a pain. I'll get it in or be holding it to my eye for like a minute and it just won't stick. Sigh. I hope the non-one day contacts won't have trouble sticking or maybe it's just something with my eyes. Oh well... I do love that I can see better though! and I have to thank mom for getting me there and getting me them!


rozanny said...

Congrats on being able to see... that's always exciting! Sorry it's annoying though. I've never tried contacts so I don't know what it's like, but everyone I've talked to says that they are awesome once you get used to them.

Daughter of Eve said...

you are doing better than I am....I cannot stick my finger in my eye to wear will get better! Isn't nice to see....welcome to clarity.