Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Homeschool vs Public

I had never really noticed how different homeschoolers are from public schoolers till Friday when I came to pick Kate up from a party with our homeschool friends.
One thing in particular that I noticed was appearance. Whilst public schoolers are very cautious and careful about how they look, homeschoolers don't give a care, they will wear and look like whatever, and don't care about what anyone thinks. If the homseschooler in quesetion likes something they'll wear. And if they really don't care what their hair or outfit is like they don't care, it's really nice or not, can depend on that matter. Like the dreads and super long hair were just creepy...
Through my whole time throughout homeschool I noticed this one thing that bugged me, and that was the homeschooler's sense of personal space. At public school there was a big wide area of space per person, and some people would choose to break it, but most respect each others space. Homeschoolers no matter how sweet cool they seem, at least half have almost no sense of personal space. The games they play like awkward are completely crazy! It totally gets me out of my comfort zone! At public school there are people who break the barriers, because they're either a creeper or they know the person really well... But it's just different, almost as if they just understand or grasp the concept of the bubble.
One thing I love about homeschoolers is that they're soooo laid back! I envy them! Even while I was a homeschooler, well I didn't really fit like any of their qualities sadly... Us publics are very tense, and always suspicious, cautious, and sometimes quite well can become scary because we're so not laid back. Homeschoolers they time out everything and can even be late but will still there and completely laid back, relaxed, and at home.Ugh! Luckies!
oh well here's just a list of differences
1. appearance
2. personal space
3. level of tenseness
4. happiness (homeschoolers oddly are more happy overall)
5. socialness (public all the way)
and those're all the big ones I see at least, it's really strange. Some homeschoolers and public schoolers I know can easily adjust and fit into or just fit in with either group, but in majority it's quite different. If you can't tell or don't know already I fit in more with and favor public schoolers. My sister prefers homeschool but in all things, she's one of those exception girls.


I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! now I gonna take time to reflect on my many wonderful blessings... maybe... ;) okay but me no posty like most people I'd rather just think anyhow

Monday, December 24, 2012

Last Day of School Before Christmas Break

Alright! Well this mornin I woke up and attempted to motivate myself to get dressed, it took about 20 minutes. FINALLY I put a shirt and pants on, got ready, and left... On the bus I sat with this girl I met a couple days earlier. She's a nice girl, eighth grader, and loves to talk. We mostly talked about pets the whole way. When I got to school I went straight to my locker, and then on to the bench me and my friends always meet at. I ended up wandering and talking with Emma the whole time. Then I went on to English in which we watched a couple 'what would you do' and chatted. Mabel, my friend then came up to me and gave me some Paky and a Japanese drink which was pretty much carbonated flavored water, but was soooooo good! Gym was awesome I didn't have to do ANYTHING! Me and my friends just hung out in the locker room, listening to music, eating hot tamales, and chatting! I also carried them back and forth across the room.. hehehehehe!  We were at this point listening to a song when we heard the ten minute bell ring. We were just there for like 2 minutes until Kirby (our gym teacher) came in and asked what we were still doing here, because that wasn't actually the ten minute bell. I booked it to my locker and then to the computer lab, where we were having math class. Although really all we did was chat and doodle. After that I left, but forgot my math book, so I had to rush back, and grab it. In seminary me, Maquela, and Lindsay sang Silent night in Seminary, I sounded okay, a little rough cause I REALLY was thirsty! Maquela and Lindsay area amazing singers! Right after that lunch rolls along, and apparently Maqueala forgot to get money so I ate my roll and pears and let her eat the rest of my food. I mean seriously I got stuffed with junk food!
At last science came along and into play, the one reason I missed the homeschool party. The untold lab was a sad case, we had to fill out this worksheet which then became homework for over Christmas break... Well at least I got to work with my friends( although sometimes I prefer to sit across from the cutest guy in my science class) Oh and Jake Bingham totally came into out class sat in Shaun's seat and Mr. Bridges didn't even notice him! HA!) :) Ha ha ha! I also got to eat some of my pocky and drink my Remon... Romba... eh... i don't remember what it's called. Mabel had warned me that if I opened it wrong it would explode on me, so I kinda was being super cautious and all my friends were moving away. It didn't explode Instead my friend Emily (who ALL the teachers love) went over to help the people at my table, and I just kept looking over there (I mean she was helping HIM), when I looked at Steph who was making a disgusted look because of the lab. I died laughing! Then she make that silly look she always does and pawed at the air. We all started laughing. English rolled along slowly, in which thankfully my English is very kind about leaving items at Grandma's. On the way to my locker me and Emma talked, we ALWAYS talk and it's mostly about random things, but what do you expect, they know me! I grabbed my drink from Mabel and we were off to geography! Whilst there we learned about the history of Christmas Traditions; till the dreaded intercom came on. We knew Riley would be leaving us, but neither of us suspected Emily would. I mean she's never told us about her being in choir, and we've never seen her with any instrument so we were pretty weird-ed out.
 As we entered the gym for the Christmas assembly we discovered Emily, in the orchestra with a violin. I would think we would've noticed something. Then Emma's crush walked by, in a suit, ready to sing in choir. I pushed her. She pushed me back. I pushed her. She pushed me. I pushed her. She pushed me. I noticed the band was playing spider-man, and pushed her. She noticed that the cute guy in my science class noticed that exact same thing less than a minute after I did, said we're connected and then shoved me. The nerve! I waited till he passed, and then shoved her back ;) The concert was amazing but there were barely any people in choir, but that was kinda weird because I was told choir was full when I was picking classes. Finally it was almost the bands turn to play which would be the last of it.We started making faces at Kat, and she made them back. We kept sticking our tongues out at each other. Till it was time for her to play.
The assembly ended early and I jumped off the bleachers in joy! Sadly Hizumi (my codename for the cute guy) did it too and my friend gave me the look. And then told me how she almost tripped and landed on him whilst going down the stairs while we headed to our classes to pick up our stuff. I went to my locker got my stuff and headed to the bus. It was sooooo packed I was forced to sit with someone I didn't know, and then MORE people kept coming on! The rich kids get the big bus even though they have so many less to take, I mean on our bus some of us have to squish in fours on a regular day, and this was worse. I got home and then immediately left to go pick up Kate at the homeschool party. Dad sent me in and told me that if they weren't done I could stay for a bit. I walked up and knocked. There greeting me was my friend Lisette... with dreads... I was in shock and went down to pick up Kate, in which I saw almost every one with weird hair. Miles and Benjamin had shoulder length hair and Carly/Miko had cut hers. It was liking walking into a horror show, and I was in the middle of it all. We stayed a bit and then left, I would see most of them the next day anyhow so I wasn't to sad or anything. And then I did stuff at home in which I don't remember... (sorry for all and any mistakes in my writing future me, but I'm not taking the time to reread this...)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Alright so tonight I was walking across the kitchen when I saw Joshua he was screaming, pausing, and then yelling bad at something. I thought it was just adorable, till I let my face come two inches away. Reeling back in fear I screamed.
"Mom there's a spider!"
Dad said, "Johnny go kill the spider."
I'm just standing there in horror. Staring at the black arch of a creation. Obviously it was alarmed and ready to kill.
Johnny finally came into the room right as the spider moved and I ran out screaming. A little later I heard it was killed and went to check on Josh. I turned around about to hug Josh. My arms were opened and I started to get on my knees.
Kate then burst in, "Josh is holding the spider."
Again I jumped back screaming! I looked closer at Josh's hand and saw the black shadow begin to (as it seemed) crawl out of Josh's slowly growing open hand. Being a coward I ran out screaming, again. Later I discovered that after the spider had been killed Josh came up to it, told it it was bad, and poked it. The spider then was for some reason sticky and Josh couldn't get it off till soon after I left.

Saturday, December 8, 2012