Saturday, November 29, 2008


I don't think anyone knew but I love to play football at recess. Don't get me wrong. I think it's fun.I'm actually am good at it. Some boys don't like girls playing it. They don' t give us girls a chance. I was the first girl to try. Then others joined. Now most boys trust us girls. Especially the boys who were and are in my 4th and 5th grade classes. I LOVE FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Red Light, Ruth Light

We were stuck at a red light. Moments away from our house. Suddenly Mom said something like,"Red light turn green." Than Adam yelled," You stupid red light turn green." So for no purpose Johnny said to me," You stupid Ruth light turn Ruth!" I got him in trouble then.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another Time!!!!!!!

Every year at our school we have a program and I've always had a special part. I also have one this year too. Two years I had a speaking part and last year I had a singing part. What do you think I have this year? You've probably guessed it. A speaking part! For the third year! Isn't that funny?