Saturday, February 18, 2012

Mini Test Story

The Shadow
It  had  been  several  years  since  The  Shadow  came  along.  At  first  he  would  just stand  around  in  the  shadows  scaring  people.  Then  people  started  disappearing  at  night, and  being  found  dead  in  the  alley  ways  the  next  morning.  Everyone  was  scared.  But  the worst  was  yet  to  come.  People  suspected  The  Shadow,  but  no  one  charged  him.  Until one  night.
The  city  was  dark  and  black.  No  moon  or  stars  decided  to  shine  tonight.  For  it was  a  night  that  would  change  everything.
A  dense  fog  covered  up  our  little  city.  The  air  was  damp  and  heavy.  All  were asleep,  except  one  girl,  me.  I  saw  The  Shadow  float  out  into  the  night.  He  held  a  torch in  one  darkened  black,  hand.  I  watched  silently  as  he  walked  down  the  street.  Never  did  he  stop  moving  for  one  second.  Like  a  plague  that  couldn’t  be  stopped  he  glided down  toward  every  house,  setting  it  on  fire.  Rows  of  brilliant  flames  followed,  dancing, laughing,  praising  The  Shadow.  Screams  came  from  houses  as  people  awoke  to  realize  there  was  no  escape.  Others  died  peacefully  in  their  sleep.
When  The  Shadow  was  at  the  house  next  to  mine.  I  froze  with  fear.  What  would  I  do?
He  caught  my  gaze.  His  eyes  were  blood-red,  and  hungry  for  the  kill.  Gasping  I  fell  back  onto  my  bed.  I  knew  that  he  was  coming  to  kill  me  by  hand,  just  like  he  had  done  to  my  friend  Lila  who  had  quickly  written  in  her  journal  about  it  right  before he  got  her.  Lying  in  my  bed  waiting  I  reached  for  the  hatchet  I  kept  under  my  pillow.
            The  only  reason  I  have  the  hatchet  under  there  is  because,  I’m  afraid  that  someone   will  break  into  my  room  and  try  to  kill  me  or  something.  Okay?!
            Shivering  with  fear  I  heard  a  small  creak  and  I  could  tell  The  Shadow  had  come.  I  squeezed  the  hatchet  harder.  My  hand  was  sweating,  and  I  could  barely  keep  a  grip.  A  warm  air  went  blew  onto  my  neck.  I  swiveled  around  and  yelled,  “Stay  back!”
            Arm  shaking,  hatchet  quaking  I  stared  at  the  shadow.  His  eyes  were  calm,  yet  never  could  be.  He  advanced  toward  me.  I  lifted  the  hatchet  higher,  keeping  his  gaze.  After  a   moment’s  hesitation  he  came  toward  me  again. I swung  the  hatchet  and  hit  home.  Putting  his  hand  to  his  face  he  stood  stalk  still.  Taking  my  chance  I  raced  out  of  the  ro­­­om,   and  out  the  house.  The  Shadow  would  come  after  me  I  had  known  it  then  and  I know  it  now.
            He’s  been  chasing  me  ever  since  that   moment  in  my  room.  Everyone  from  the  city  I  had  lived  in  had been  killed  then.  I  had  to  run  away  to  a  new  town  where  he  had  soon  followed  and  destroyed.  After  weeks  I  finally    came  to  the  town  of  Maize  where  I  met  my  two  best  friends,  Jake and  Ally.  They  had  brought  me  into  their  home  and  have  helped  stay  safe  from  The  Shadow  ever  since.
            By  this  point  in  time  I  was  14  and  The  Shadow  was  a  widely  known  murderer, and  destroyer.  People  now  knew  me  as  The  Shadow’s  target.  My  friends  and  I  were  outcasts.   No  town  would  let  us  inside  they’re  gates.  Half  starved,  and  frozen,  we eventually  joined  another  group  of  people  who  had  survived  their  villages  being  destroyed,  and  were  out  to  kill  The  Shadow.
            Two  years   after  training  in  the  skill  of  ax  wielding  in  our  group  I  was  ready.  After  all  this  time  I  had  kept  the  ax  that  wounded  The  Shadow,  and  was  destined  to  bring   him  down.  No  I  wasn’t  the  best  fighter,  but  I  was  the  most  determined  of  our  small  group.  Our  battle  with  The  Shadow  was  great.  Few   died,  because  The  Shadow  was weakened  by  age.
            It  was  my  chance  to  get  revenge,  a  chance  to  end  The  Shadow’s  reign  of  terror. So  why  can’t  I  bring  myself  to  kill  him.
            “Come  on  finish  him  off  already,  Lexi!”  Jake  yelled  to  me,  “You’ve  been  waiting for  this  precise  moment  your  entire  life!  What’s  holding  you  back  now?”
            I  looked  at  the  pathetic  left  over  of  what  The  Shadow  once  was.  He  was  weak and  old  with  only  one  eye  to  see  from,  I  was  strong  and  in  my  prime.  What  had  he  done   to   me?  Destroyed  my  life,  ruined  my  hometown,  killed  thousands,  tried  to  kill  me,  made  me  and  outcast,  and  had  harmed  my  friends!  The  nights  when  he  had  hunted  me  were  over,  but  still  they  haunted  me.  I  couldn’t  sleep  well  anymore,  for  fear he  would  come.  I  ached  for  a  home  to  live  and  a  calm  life  once  again.  One  without  fear   and   one  without  harm.   Still.  Was  he  worth  killing?  Yes  he  is!  No,  he  isn’t.  Nothing  is  worth  it.
“I  can’t,”  I  said  as  I  turned  around  toward  my  friends,  “He  isn’t  worth  it.  Let  the nature  of  old  age  or  diseases  kill  him  on  its  own.  It  will  soon  enough”
I  turned  back  to  see  that  the  shadow  was  gone.  He  had  left  a  trail  of  footprints from  his  limp   I  gave  him,  but  it  didn’t  matter  to  me  anymore.  He  couldn’t  do  much  harm  anymore.
            “You  were  completely  right,”  Ally  said  walking  up  to  me,  “You  don’t  need  to  kill,  and  be  like  him.  I  know  you  made  the  right   choice.”  She smiled  that  reassuring  smile  a  friend does.
            Looking  back  at  everyone  who  had  made  it  out  alive,  I  smiled  wide. For the first time in quite a while.
            “Let  us  feast  for  our  victory,  and  be  happy  that  we  don’t  have  to  bury  him.”

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