Tuesday, September 14, 2010
You know what they say the First day's the worst day. Totally true. Second is the best. Sort of true. The food is awesome. Classes and teachers? Awesome. Especially in art. I eat lunch with my best friends Lizzy and Danielle. I have a crush on this boy named Mica. Because of the bus I swear I'm going to be depth by the time school's out. Nothing new.
One More Thing About Young Womens
The Saturday before school we went tubing. On the way there one of the tubes blew out of the truck while we were on the highway. One of the guys piloting the boat got out, ran across the highway and ran back. We all took a deep deep deep breath. It was so fun but hurtful on the tube. By the time I stopped my back hurt. When I was on the tube gallons and gallons of water went in my face and mouth. When we got off the boat we had lunch, swam, and let the waves wash over us . When we were bringing the boat back they asked who wanted to go on it. While we were on it it died for 20 minutes. It was fun on that trip, an they plan to make it yearly which is even better.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Girls Camp Day 4
I woke up, and started gathering up my stuff. After a little bit we went down for flag ceremony. Then went to the pavilion for a breakfast of cinnamon-rolls, orange slices, and hot chocolate. After that we gathered up our trash and headed back to camp. At camp we got our stuff from the clotheslines and packed it up. After we got all our stuff out of the tents and packed. We took down the tents folded them, and packed them away. On the way home we found out why there was screaming in the leaders tent. So this is what happened.
Jamie (one of our leaders) all of a sudden felt something cold on her neck. Hoping it was her i pod she reached up and felt the slimy, cold thing move. So she grabbed it and flung it across the tent. Then she said," There was something on my neck." Jill (another leader) thought it was just her hallucinating because of Jamie's medicine for her kidney stone said," You were just hallucinating."
" No I wasn't." Jamie said.
Then Shellie (another leader) said," No she wasn't something just hit me. I think it's a gummy worm"
Then Shellie reached up, and the thing moved. They turned on a flashlight. Jill and Shellie jumped and landed on Shawnee's (yet another leader) bed waking her up. Jamie joined them.It was a either a lizard or a salamander I don't remember. They talked for a bit about what to do. Then Jamie grabbed a bag and got it in there. Jamie didn't want to take a long time getting her shoes on. So Jill slipped on some shoes went out and down the road a bit then tossed it.
We laughed a lot. When i got home I got my stuff from the cars, said goodbye, went in put my stuff in my room, took a shower, and then enjoyed the rest of my day.
Jamie (one of our leaders) all of a sudden felt something cold on her neck. Hoping it was her i pod she reached up and felt the slimy, cold thing move. So she grabbed it and flung it across the tent. Then she said," There was something on my neck." Jill (another leader) thought it was just her hallucinating because of Jamie's medicine for her kidney stone said," You were just hallucinating."
" No I wasn't." Jamie said.
Then Shellie (another leader) said," No she wasn't something just hit me. I think it's a gummy worm"
Then Shellie reached up, and the thing moved. They turned on a flashlight. Jill and Shellie jumped and landed on Shawnee's (yet another leader) bed waking her up. Jamie joined them.It was a either a lizard or a salamander I don't remember. They talked for a bit about what to do. Then Jamie grabbed a bag and got it in there. Jamie didn't want to take a long time getting her shoes on. So Jill slipped on some shoes went out and down the road a bit then tossed it.
We laughed a lot. When i got home I got my stuff from the cars, said goodbye, went in put my stuff in my room, took a shower, and then enjoyed the rest of my day.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Ruth: Rachel are you a princess?
Rachel: No I'm a catatooie.
Ruth: A what?
Rachel: A catatooie!
Ruth: OK. Whatever that is?
Rachel: No I'm a catatooie.
Ruth: A what?
Rachel: A catatooie!
Ruth: OK. Whatever that is?
Girls Camp Day 3
We woke up, got ready, dressed in pants, and in the T-shirts we decorated the day before. After that we went to flag ceremony. Came back and home made egg-Mcmuffins. After cleanup and everything we took our showers. It felt so good to feel clean. Oh I forgot to mention we had working sinks, toilets, and showers. They weren't that disgusting at all because, each ward had a day they had to clean the bathrooms.When we got our hair brushed, and we were out of the showers. The stake leaders did our hair in some of the cutest braided ways. I had two french twists that combined together and turned into a bun. After thanking the stake leaders we had an awesome lunch. Then we learned about each other, and started a lesson on the Young Women Values. While we were learning the values it started raining harder and harder. So we went in the leaders tent. While there lightning started almost striking the ground. We split into groups and went into two cars. Me and Bonnie really needed to go the bathroom. Luckily the cars windows defrosted just in time and we were able to go before we peed our pants. When the rain started to stop we went back in the tent and continued our lesson. When we finished we got out of the tent check to see if our stuff got wet. Luckily only the tent with our clothes and stuff got wet. Then the stake called all the wards for a picture. When we got back we made a clothes line hung our stuff up, and then went to help others who's stuff got drenched. After that it was our turn to do the bathrooms. Again luckily we got to the plastic see-through gloves. I had to take out the trash. After that we went back to camp and played games, made and ate dinner,roasted s'mores and starbursts, told stories around the fire, and ate peach cobbler. That night Bailey and Harley came inside our tent for about twenty minutes. Then they went in their tent and we all went to sleep or at least tried to. We heard laughing for the leader tent. Then a little while later woke up by screaming in the leaders tent, but soon forgot about it and went to sleep. I'll tell the story in my next blog about girls camp day 4.
We woke up, got ready, dressed in pants, and in the T-shirts we decorated the day before. After that we went to flag ceremony. Came back and home made egg-Mcmuffins. After cleanup and everything we took our showers. It felt so good to feel clean. Oh I forgot to mention we had working sinks, toilets, and showers. They weren't that disgusting at all because, each ward had a day they had to clean the bathrooms.When we got our hair brushed, and we were out of the showers. The stake leaders did our hair in some of the cutest braided ways. I had two french twists that combined together and turned into a bun. After thanking the stake leaders we had an awesome lunch. Then we learned about each other, and started a lesson on the Young Women Values. While we were learning the values it started raining harder and harder. So we went in the leaders tent. While there lightning started almost striking the ground. We split into groups and went into two cars. Me and Bonnie really needed to go the bathroom. Luckily the cars windows defrosted just in time and we were able to go before we peed our pants. When the rain started to stop we went back in the tent and continued our lesson. When we finished we got out of the tent check to see if our stuff got wet. Luckily only the tent with our clothes and stuff got wet. Then the stake called all the wards for a picture. When we got back we made a clothes line hung our stuff up, and then went to help others who's stuff got drenched. After that it was our turn to do the bathrooms. Again luckily we got to the plastic see-through gloves. I had to take out the trash. After that we went back to camp and played games, made and ate dinner,roasted s'mores and starbursts, told stories around the fire, and ate peach cobbler. That night Bailey and Harley came inside our tent for about twenty minutes. Then they went in their tent and we all went to sleep or at least tried to. We heard laughing for the leader tent. Then a little while later woke up by screaming in the leaders tent, but soon forgot about it and went to sleep. I'll tell the story in my next blog about girls camp day 4.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Girls Camp Day 2
When I woke up I got dressed, brushed my hair, brushed my teeth ect. After everyone was done we went to flag ceremony and then went to the bathroom. We had breakfast at camp this time. So breakfast was French Toast. I choked on some bacon though. How it happened was that some of the bacon got caught in my airway so I couldn't breathe. So I spat all the bacon, but the piece in my airway. Then I stuck my hand in my throat grabbed the piece of bacon and flung it out. It was scary. After lunch Jamie braided our hair and we prepared for the hike. We split into groups again. Each of our ward groups had one of their leaders, ours was Jill. 1.3 miles into the hike mucus and stuff from my nose started running down the back of my stomach making not feel good at all. The camp nurse said it was called a congestion and the hike should help stop that, but other than that there's like nothing else that she knows of. So after a while of having to rest a lot I said a prayer. After that I felt way better. The as we later found out was the longest hike they had. We were all exhausted after that hike. Guess what, after the hike I have not had a congestion happen so the nurse was right and I'm glad. Then we had lunch which was so good and consisted of the same potato salad and also really good eclairs. After lunch we went back to camp rested, learned to baton wood, and played games. Sometime later we went back to the pavilion and made blankets for a hospital. When that was finished we got T-shirts to decorate. After the T shirts we did games like capture the flag and water balloon volleyball. At one point it was this iron rod thing where we had to hold to this string, we had to walk through it, and at some points we had to have help from the leaders like walk over a log. When we finished it we had to watch others do it. I felt the spirit doing it and watching others do it. Sorry it's to hard to describe it exactly, we were blindfold you see. It was fun. Then we went back to camp for a bit then went to the amphitheater for flag ceremony, and destiny. When we got back to camp we roasted starbursts and made doughnuts. Then we got ready for bed, when we got in our tents. From the other tent we heard screaming. Turns out the tent had adopted a colony of ants while we were out. So they had to get all of the ants out before bed. In bed we told stories, jokes, had fun, and after a long time went to bed.
beginning of hike |
Girls Camp Day 1
We got at the campsite and unpacked some then we had to go to the amphitheater where there was flag ceremony, and then they talked about the rules. After that we had lunch at camp. My lunch was peanut butter bar, peanut butter and honey sandwich, apple and water bottle. Then we learned to split wood and we played apples to apples. When it was time we went back to the pavilion and made our theme flags. Our theme was GAG. Get A Grip. As in get a grip on the iron rod. We stayed at the pavilion for journal making. When we finished making our journals. We split into groups and learned different things depending on how many years you've gone to girls camp. The group I was in (the first years) learned some first aid things, like the Heimlich maneuver. After that we found our wards and went back to camp. When we got back to camp we took pictures of our flag and finished unpacking. When we finished we went to the amphitheater for flag ceremony, and then we had to go back to the pavilion and get dinner. My favorite part about the dinner was the potato salad. It was the best I've ever had. Then after dinner we had a scripture spiritual time called destiny. Back at camp we made a fire told stories and sang songs. We roasted s'mores and starburts over the fire. It was fun. All the girls had to share a tent. So that night we talked laughed and joked till about 11:00. Then the storm came it scared all the girls except me and Bonnie. It was raining really hard, are tent was leaking, everybody besides me and Harley needed to go to the bathroom. The people who went told the leaders that are tent was leaking and then went to the bathroom. So the leaders came asked where it was leaking we showed them where the leaks were. They had set up a tent for us and we had to gather our sleeping stuff and run into those two tents. Bonnie, Alex, Tanaya, and me were in one tent, and Bailey and Harley were in the other. We probably got to sleep about 12:00. The next morning we found out that the leaders put most of our stuff in their trucks.
We got at the campsite and unpacked some then we had to go to the amphitheater where there was flag ceremony, and then they talked about the rules. After that we had lunch at camp. My lunch was peanut butter bar, peanut butter and honey sandwich, apple and water bottle. Then we learned to split wood and we played apples to apples. When it was time we went back to the pavilion and made our theme flags. Our theme was GAG. Get A Grip. As in get a grip on the iron rod. We stayed at the pavilion for journal making. When we finished making our journals. We split into groups and learned different things depending on how many years you've gone to girls camp. The group I was in (the first years) learned some first aid things, like the Heimlich maneuver. After that we found our wards and went back to camp. When we got back to camp we took pictures of our flag and finished unpacking. When we finished we went to the amphitheater for flag ceremony, and then we had to go back to the pavilion and get dinner. My favorite part about the dinner was the potato salad. It was the best I've ever had. Then after dinner we had a scripture spiritual time called destiny. Back at camp we made a fire told stories and sang songs. We roasted s'mores and starburts over the fire. It was fun. All the girls had to share a tent. So that night we talked laughed and joked till about 11:00. Then the storm came it scared all the girls except me and Bonnie. It was raining really hard, are tent was leaking, everybody besides me and Harley needed to go to the bathroom. The people who went told the leaders that are tent was leaking and then went to the bathroom. So the leaders came asked where it was leaking we showed them where the leaks were. They had set up a tent for us and we had to gather our sleeping stuff and run into those two tents. Bonnie, Alex, Tanaya, and me were in one tent, and Bailey and Harley were in the other. We probably got to sleep about 12:00. The next morning we found out that the leaders put most of our stuff in their trucks.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Silly Adam
This morning Adam went up to mom with the phone and this is the conversation.
Adam: Mom, use the phone and call dad NOW!
Mom: Why?
Adam: To see if I can play the computer.
Mom: Okay?!
Adam: Mom, use the phone and call dad NOW!
Mom: Why?
Adam: To see if I can play the computer.
Mom: Okay?!
Another Thing About Young Womens
Well Wednesday at young womens we went to a place you can cook s'mores at and hike. There we cooked hot dogs roasted s'mores and star-bursts and had fun me and Bonnie had fun exploring, collecting mica, playing in the river, and just having fun. After a while we played Mafia. Then some time later we had to go home it was fun though.
Capital and Josheph Smith Memorial building Trip
Tuesday we went to the Capital for the tour. We came at 11:17. Nobody was at the tour/information desk. So we waited a little bit. Some people from Afghanistan came and wanted to take pictures with us. Mom I guess was a bit shocked but said yes. So one of them came up took a picture and then the other did and then the other did. During this process I was slowly scooting behind Mom. While they were asking I got my lip-gloss out and was going to put it on and realized what was happening. So I put it away feeling awkward. After they left we found out it was on the hour, so we got our lunch from the car. Then we ate it by the rock with the carvings. Then at 12:00 we went on the tour. The capital was beautiful, and cool. Well after the Capital we went to the Joseph Smith Memorial building. There we watched a movie about Joseph Smith. After that we went home on the way home we got ice cream at Arctic Circle. Sometime after that Dad brought me and Kate to The Garden at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. There we had really good club sandwiches. Then we got totally awesome fruit smoothies. It was fun.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Outside with the Dorito Bag
This is what happened when Rachel went outside with the Dorito bag. Before we knew about the rocks Dad took a handful of chips and ended up with rocks in his mouth. So he took the rocks out of his mouth and got another handful to see if there were rocks in it. There were more rocks in that handful. So we looked more carefully into the bag, and well this is what we saw. Rachel had apparently gone outside with the Dorito bag not to long before, so we knew why they were there. Pretty funny, eh?
Sinus Infection (Nasal Drainage)
I've had a runny yet stuffy nose that have been causing headaches since about the begging of summer vacation. So we went to the doctor. He said I had a sinus infection (nasal drainage) and I had to take a certain pill three times a day, and drink lots of water. Also he said it's had a while to develop so I might have to take it to Girls Camp. Which I don't mind. The good thing is I found the cause and maybe the cure. I'm glad of that.
Cute Joey
One time Mom was making a bottle for Joey. When she got out the bottle Joey grabbed for it. She pulled away and started to pour lemonade in it. He put his mouth on it and wouldn't let her finish pouring. So I took Joe who kept reaching for it. Then Mom finished and he drank it. It was funny, and cute.
Robertson Family Fourth of July Reunion
On Friday we drove to grandma's for the beginning of family reunion, which was a hike, then hot dogs s'mores, and the chocolate tasting. We arrived too late for the hike, so we went straight to Grandma's house. At Grandma's house I nick-named Tela's kittens.(Tela is Grandma's cat.) There are seven kittens so it took a while. Three of the kittens are white with grayish-black ears and tails. All but one of the three have gray noses I call that one Nosy, because he always gets into things. I called the darkest of the three Ashes, and the second to lightest Dusty. Soot is all gray and Night Streak is all black. The only girl is calico, I call her Callie. Last but not least is Socks. He is black with white spots, but why I call him Socks is because all of his paws are white. So when everyone got to Grandma's me, Kate, and Riley got on the tramp. After that we had dinner and s'mores. During that time one of the things that you cook marshmallows on fell on Riley's foot and burnt her. When her foot felt better Uncle James bounced us on the tramp. Sometime after that we went home. We didn't do the chocolate tasting that day, but in the end we did.
Saturday was the barbecue, swimming, and water-balloon day. When I got there it was mainly hi to the kittens and off to the pool. In the pool I played with Riley and met and played with Morgan. I don't know how she's related and don't really care. When we got out we jumped on the tramp with the water-balloons. The water-balloons obviously kept popping. When all the balloons that kids weren't holding had popped we had dinner on the tramp, like Friday. After that we did fireworks. About 12:00 we left and arrived home about 1:00. Still no chocolate tasting.
At about 5:00 we arrived at Uncle Allen's house. We ate dinner, played with Riley, and then did the talent show. I sang Nearer My God To Thee, and got a lot of comments. I don't know how, because that day my voice kept cracking. Sometime after the talent show was the CHOCOLATE TASTING!!!!!!!!:):):):)I went around the table Once then kept snitching till everyone had had some then had more. Before we left Kate took a plate and filled it over the brim with chocolate. So much that even if you were starving you couldn't eat it all. That was a good day.
Kate puked twice. Luckily Mom took the rest of us to the pine wood derby race. I made my mouse car then jumped in the pool with Riley and Morgan. We played for hours. When we got out we jumped on the tramp again. We bounced and talked till it was time for the race. Mine ended up tied for ninth, but we were using the computer this time anyway. There were a whole bunch of weird cars. Like a sofa, a beach, melted spoon, bunny, cat, mouse, The Mystery Machine, bus, rotten banana, and other weird things. That was a good day.
The Sickness
The sickness turned out to be the flu. Johnny puked the next day. No one else in our family, but I felt like it. Later we found out Grandma and Aubrey puked. Mom thinks it was this kind of virus that can live in a place for twelve days. Oh well let's hope it doesn't come back.
On Friday we drove to grandma's for the beginning of family reunion, which was a hike, then hot dogs s'mores, and the chocolate tasting. We arrived too late for the hike, so we went straight to Grandma's house. At Grandma's house I nick-named Tela's kittens.(Tela is Grandma's cat.) There are seven kittens so it took a while. Three of the kittens are white with grayish-black ears and tails. All but one of the three have gray noses I call that one Nosy, because he always gets into things. I called the darkest of the three Ashes, and the second to lightest Dusty. Soot is all gray and Night Streak is all black. The only girl is calico, I call her Callie. Last but not least is Socks. He is black with white spots, but why I call him Socks is because all of his paws are white. So when everyone got to Grandma's me, Kate, and Riley got on the tramp. After that we had dinner and s'mores. During that time one of the things that you cook marshmallows on fell on Riley's foot and burnt her. When her foot felt better Uncle James bounced us on the tramp. Sometime after that we went home. We didn't do the chocolate tasting that day, but in the end we did.
Saturday was the barbecue, swimming, and water-balloon day. When I got there it was mainly hi to the kittens and off to the pool. In the pool I played with Riley and met and played with Morgan. I don't know how she's related and don't really care. When we got out we jumped on the tramp with the water-balloons. The water-balloons obviously kept popping. When all the balloons that kids weren't holding had popped we had dinner on the tramp, like Friday. After that we did fireworks. About 12:00 we left and arrived home about 1:00. Still no chocolate tasting.
At about 5:00 we arrived at Uncle Allen's house. We ate dinner, played with Riley, and then did the talent show. I sang Nearer My God To Thee, and got a lot of comments. I don't know how, because that day my voice kept cracking. Sometime after the talent show was the CHOCOLATE TASTING!!!!!!!!:):):):)I went around the table Once then kept snitching till everyone had had some then had more. Before we left Kate took a plate and filled it over the brim with chocolate. So much that even if you were starving you couldn't eat it all. That was a good day.
Kate puked twice. Luckily Mom took the rest of us to the pine wood derby race. I made my mouse car then jumped in the pool with Riley and Morgan. We played for hours. When we got out we jumped on the tramp again. We bounced and talked till it was time for the race. Mine ended up tied for ninth, but we were using the computer this time anyway. There were a whole bunch of weird cars. Like a sofa, a beach, melted spoon, bunny, cat, mouse, The Mystery Machine, bus, rotten banana, and other weird things. That was a good day.
The Sickness
The sickness turned out to be the flu. Johnny puked the next day. No one else in our family, but I felt like it. Later we found out Grandma and Aubrey puked. Mom thinks it was this kind of virus that can live in a place for twelve days. Oh well let's hope it doesn't come back.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Joey and the Stairs
Joey likes to climb up the stairs, but he doesn't know how to climb down. So sometimes he'll just wait right at the top for someone to get him down. It's so cute. After you get him down he will sometimes just climb back up. It really is cute.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
This happened a few days ago.
We were having a water war in the pool. While I jumped to make a cannonball Kate kicked to make a splash. When I came down my nose and mouth area hit her knee. I found out I cut open the thing that's inside at the top of your mouth that is attached to your lip area and your gums. My lip was also bleeding. Then later while I was blowing my nose I found out it was bleeding too. My lip and my nose still hurt afterwards so then I looked and found out they were both bruised. I'm alright, but that hurt!
We were having a water war in the pool. While I jumped to make a cannonball Kate kicked to make a splash. When I came down my nose and mouth area hit her knee. I found out I cut open the thing that's inside at the top of your mouth that is attached to your lip area and your gums. My lip was also bleeding. Then later while I was blowing my nose I found out it was bleeding too. My lip and my nose still hurt afterwards so then I looked and found out they were both bruised. I'm alright, but that hurt!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
One Thing About Young Womens
In Young Womens every three months we an extra young womens. But you can only go to it if you do two Personal Progress things per month. Plus it's always a fun activity. I think this way you get your Personal Progress done faster, and I think it inspires you to do your Personal Progress. Well I think it's a good idea. Do you?
Cute Anya
This morning Mom told me to get Joey from his bed. When I came downstairs with Joey Anya said,"JOEY!" Then came and hugged him. After that I started teaching Joey to stand and walk. Anya came up and helped me. She held on to him and showed him how to do it. It was so cute.
Monday, June 28, 2010
The zoo here is not the greatest, but at least it's a zoo. They have more stands than there are animals, the animals are usually asleep, some things are really rude, and it has to much advertisement. The main two things I like about it are the bird show and the park. The park is huge, and the bird show's fun. With friends the zoo is definitely better. The first time we came the zoo was crowded, boring, and tiring. The second time was definitely funner. It wasn't as crowded, and more animals were awake or at least moving. Besides the downfalls it was fun.
Mall Trip.
We went to the Gateway Mall with Adda, Sammy, and Rosanne a while ago. I keep getting kicked of whenever I try and write on my blog lately so it's been a while. Well first thing we did was go to the splash pad. It was huge and we had fun.Then we ate lunch and played in it some more. While the other kids went to the bathroom me and Kate went to Claire's. I got a cute butterfly mood necklace for $5 which at Claire's is cheep. Finally we went to a park my mom had seen near the mall. We went there, and there were NO KIDS THERE!!!!!!!!!! There were18-20 year old people and homeless one too, but no kids. Rosanne had heard of a park in Salt Lake that people on drugs and homeless people went there. We assumed it was that park and left. On the way the way back we saw this guy. His hair was crazy,his teeth were broken and yellow, he had one weird looking beard,pale skin, huge wild eyes, white shirt, jeans that were way to big, a thing to hold stuff like bus tickets and money, and just a scary look. He smiled then asked us if we had any string or something like that. Then when we said that we didn't he explained he'd just got out of prison and that's all they gave him. Rosanne and Mom laughed. I on the other hand just got more creeped. When we got to the mall we went to Ben and Jerry's for ice cream. It was expensive. After that we went back to the splash pad and played some more. After that we went home. It was the weirdest mall trip I've been on in my life. Oh well. It was still fun.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Mom overheard this conversation and told me . I thought it was funny so I'm writing it on my blog.
Kate: Adam you are just human!
Adam (in a whiny voice): No I'm not.
Kate: Adam you are just human!
Adam (in a whiny voice): No I'm not.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
We got a pool. Yesterday we played in it. I was the first one in and the last one out. It's about Rachel's size and about 10ft wide. We had a lot of fun. We played pomp and other games. It was fun. I hope to go in today too. Kate got squished when we played pomp and so did I. I tried diving in. i landed on my knees. It hurt oh well. It was fun.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Musical program
In Lehi we had a musical program for 5th and 6th grade. Everyone who tried out got in. Our librarian was the one in charge. She made sure everyone who wanted one got a part, but first we tried out for solos and small groups. The next day we tried out for speaking and acting parts. I wasn't there though. Well I found out later that I got a solo in the song kids. I was so happy. people who didn't try out or got a part she had them try out after parts were given and assigned them some. The program was really fun. It's the Hard Knot Life, Kids, I Want it Now, and Happiness. We had a good time.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
No More Elementary Schoo!! :)
Well I am officially out of elementary school. Last Friday was the last day of school. So Kate will be a 6th grader next year, Johnny a 3rd, Adam a kindergartner, and me in Junior High. It's weird. Elementary went by fast! Kate agrees. I feel older now. Seriously! I mean I'm not even in elementary! It's so WEIRD!!!!!! Kate agrees with me on that to. Do you know what I mean by it's weird?
The more I came to know the world The more I knew I knew it not.
The more I came to know the world The more I knew I knew it not.
Lost Teeth.
Yesterday I lost two of my molars. On the same side of my mouth.One of them on the top another on the bottom. Right on top of the other. It's cool but it hurts if I eat with that side. Anyways I'm glad they came out yesterday. They were ready to come out. You can tell because you can feel new teeth coming in. On the top you might be able to see the knew tooth. So it's pretty cool.
Weird Yet Fun.
Last night we had the weirdest young womens and young mens combined. There were three teams, Team 1, Team 2 and Team 3. I was on Team 2. We lost, but we had the least people on our team anyway. Okay, the goal was to run up and hit the bell before the other teams did, then answer the question. If you don't answer it or don't get it right you're team had to do the challenge. (we had probably the slowest people on our team) Well the first challenge two people from our team and another team had to come up. The people on my team who went up were me and our camp director Shalee. The goal was to dip marshmallows into the most disgusting fry sauce I have ever tasted, and drop them into the person who was laying downs mouth. I was the unlucky laying down person, but at least we won. Another one was making words with alphabet soup. (I won that one two.) Another was to tie a tie. (Our team lost.) One was to eat almost a whole pie without using your hands. (We had gotten the question so we didn't need to do that one, but one of our young womens leaders did. I feel sorry for her because she's pregnant.) The last one I did alone was to run into a sleeping bag and put the clothes that were in there on top of the clothes I was wearing. Again I won that one. A funny one was the people had to eat lasagna flavored baby food. The person on our team took one bite and would not touch it again! The other person just spat it out when they declared her the winner. There were a ton. Like making a basket blindfolded, making a puzzle the fastest, making as many baskets a possible during two minutes, and trying to find out what food was which while blind folded. When we finished we had snacks. I got two creamies.After the snack and cleanup we all went home. Do you want to know why it was so crazy?! It was crazy because the young men leaders created it. I wasn't surprised a bit to hear that afterwards. It was fun though. :)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I am now twelve years old. We moved from the house in Lehi, and are now living in a big five bedroom house in North Salt Lake. Lizee (my new friend) and me are both going to Muiler Park next year, and are planning to be locker partners. She a Mormon and in Young Womens too! People at my age seem to swear a lot. It's creepy! Oh and I can't forget, they date at my age too! Bleh!! Yuck!! It's weird being a transfer. I get totally confused so much! Young Womens here is AWESOME! The first activity I went to was kickball. We also do fun personal progress things. At school we're doing a kickball tournament. The team I'm on, Roberts 1 is undefeated! Yes! Tomorrow there's this kickball game and I think the winner's going to verse us for the championship! Isn't that just totally awesome!!So that's some of the things that are happening now,and I think I'm going to stop there.
Bye! :)
Bye! :)
Monday, February 22, 2010
Faith in God Booklet
How I can serve the Lord as I stand for truth and righteousness is by, reading my scriptures every day, being kind even to people who are mean to me, helping others, paying my tithing, standing up for what I know is true, obeying the prophets, and obeying the comandments.
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