Sunday, July 11, 2010

Robertson Family Fourth of July Reunion

           On Friday we drove to grandma's for the beginning of family reunion, which was a hike, then hot dogs s'mores, and the chocolate tasting. We arrived too late for the hike, so we went straight to Grandma's house. At Grandma's house I nick-named Tela's kittens.(Tela is Grandma's cat.) There are seven kittens so it took a while. Three of the kittens are white with grayish-black ears and tails. All but one of the three have gray noses I call that one Nosy, because he  always gets into things. I called the darkest of the three Ashes, and the second to lightest Dusty. Soot is all gray and Night Streak is all black. The only girl is calico, I call her Callie. Last but not least is Socks. He is black with white spots, but why I call him Socks is because all of his paws are white. So when everyone got to Grandma's me, Kate, and Riley got on the tramp. After that we had dinner and s'mores. During that time one of the things that you cook marshmallows on  fell on Riley's foot and burnt her. When her foot felt better Uncle James bounced us on the tramp. Sometime after that we went home. We didn't do the chocolate tasting that day, but in the end we did.
           Saturday was the barbecue, swimming, and water-balloon day. When I got there it was mainly hi to the kittens and off to the pool. In the pool I played with Riley and met and played with Morgan. I don't know how she's related and don't really care. When we got out we jumped on the tramp with the water-balloons. The water-balloons obviously kept popping. When all the balloons that kids weren't holding had popped we had dinner on the tramp, like Friday. After that we did fireworks. About 12:00 we left and arrived home about 1:00. Still no chocolate tasting.
           At about 5:00 we arrived at Uncle Allen's house. We ate dinner, played with Riley, and then did the talent show. I sang Nearer My God To Thee, and got a lot of comments. I don't know how, because that day my voice kept cracking. Sometime after the talent show was the CHOCOLATE TASTING!!!!!!!!:):):):)I went around the table Once then kept snitching till everyone had had some then had more. Before we left Kate took a plate and filled it over the brim with chocolate. So much that even if you were starving you couldn't eat it all. That was a good day.
         Kate puked twice. Luckily Mom took the rest of us to the pine wood derby race. I made my mouse car then jumped in the pool with Riley and Morgan. We played for hours. When we got out we jumped on the tramp again. We bounced and talked till it was time for the race. Mine ended up tied for ninth, but we were using the computer this time anyway. There were a whole bunch of weird cars. Like a sofa, a beach, melted spoon, bunny, cat, mouse, The Mystery Machine, bus, rotten banana, and other weird things. That was a good day.
                                                            The Sickness
        The sickness turned out to be the flu. Johnny puked the next day. No one else in our family, but I felt like it. Later we found out Grandma and Aubrey puked. Mom thinks it was this kind of virus that can live in a place for twelve days. Oh well let's hope it doesn't come back.

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