I am now twelve years old. We moved from the house in Lehi, and are now living in a big five bedroom house in North Salt Lake. Lizee (my new friend) and me are both going to Muiler Park next year, and are planning to be locker partners. She a Mormon and in Young Womens too! People at my age seem to swear a lot. It's creepy! Oh and I can't forget, they date at my age too! Bleh!! Yuck!! It's weird being a transfer. I get totally confused so much! Young Womens here is AWESOME! The first activity I went to was kickball. We also do fun personal progress things. At school we're doing a kickball tournament. The team I'm on, Roberts 1 is undefeated! Yes! Tomorrow there's this kickball game and I think the winner's going to verse us for the championship! Isn't that just totally awesome!!So that's some of the things that are happening now,and I think I'm going to stop there.
Bye! :)
Well Ruth! I think that you are a good 12 year old. I enjoy being around you and playing games with you. I love hearing your stories and seeing how much you love everyone around you!
We lost the game but now the score all tied up. So neither team is better.
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