I had never really noticed how different homeschoolers are from public schoolers till Friday when I came to pick Kate up from a party with our homeschool friends.
One thing in particular that I noticed was appearance. Whilst public schoolers are very cautious and careful about how they look, homeschoolers don't give a care, they will wear and look like whatever, and don't care about what anyone thinks. If the homseschooler in quesetion likes something they'll wear. And if they really don't care what their hair or outfit is like they don't care, it's really nice or not, can depend on that matter. Like the dreads and super long hair were just creepy...
Through my whole time throughout homeschool I noticed this one thing that bugged me, and that was the homeschooler's sense of personal space. At public school there was a big wide area of space per person, and some people would choose to break it, but most respect each others space. Homeschoolers no matter how sweet cool they seem, at least half have almost no sense of personal space. The games they play like awkward are completely crazy! It totally gets me out of my comfort zone! At public school there are people who break the barriers, because they're either a creeper or they know the person really well... But it's just different, almost as if they just understand or grasp the concept of the bubble.
One thing I love about homeschoolers is that they're soooo laid back! I envy them! Even while I was a homeschooler, well I didn't really fit like any of their qualities sadly... Us publics are very tense, and always suspicious, cautious, and sometimes quite well can become scary because we're so not laid back. Homeschoolers they time out everything and can even be late but will still there and completely laid back, relaxed, and at home.Ugh! Luckies!
oh well here's just a list of differences
1. appearance
2. personal space
3. level of tenseness
4. happiness (homeschoolers oddly are more happy overall)
5. socialness (public all the way)
and those're all the big ones I see at least, it's really strange. Some homeschoolers and public schoolers I know can easily adjust and fit into or just fit in with either group, but in majority it's quite different. If you can't tell or don't know already I fit in more with and favor public schoolers. My sister prefers homeschool but in all things, she's one of those exception girls.
It's neat that you've gotten to experience both worlds! Not many get to do that!
I'm glad you chose the rout of public school. That way you can go to the same high school as me!!!
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