Monday, March 5, 2012

Chapter Book #1

Chapter 2
As we raced inside the house, a hushed silence came over us. It was almost as if we were waiting for something. Something that would not come. There she was standing up gazing out the window. Turning around she glanced at us.
“Who are you?” she question, voice flowing out like silk through the hands.
“I’m Takai,” Takai replied.
“And I’m Rini.”
“Nice to meet you,” she said putting out her hand.
They took it, and she smiled warmly. Glowing. Then she turned towards me. My whole body shook, and it felt as if I was frozen in place.  The world seemed to vanish. All there was was me and her. I could see her wings, like an angel’s they stood, and then broke away again. As soon as they had, I was back in the world. And my heart was pounding. Choking on my words I barely eased out my name.  Her eyes seemed as if they could read my mind, my human mind. But then they clouded over again, unreadable.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she replied, “Thank you for finding me. Your grandmother told me all about it, how you found me half-starved in the forest, and left alone to die. She said I must’ve been from one of the other villages. You know, one of the once attacked by bandits. That was very kind of you to bring me here. I mean, since I don’t remember anything form before now.”
Looking at my grandmother I stood, in an awkward position.  Confused my tension was growing.
What the? That wasn’t what happened, not at all! Why did grandmother tell her that?!Great, now she’s waiting for me to answer. Just go with it, and everything will be fine.
“Uh, yeah. You’re welcome,” I stumbled, “I mean it was really nothing.”
“To me it is,” she said bowing her head in thanks, “Thanks for helping me. It takes courage, and generosity to help a complete stranger.”
“No, really it wasn’t anything.”
“Well, thank you anyway.”
“Now come, dear. We need to get some food into you,” Grandma interrupted.
“You’re really so kind. How can I ever repay you? I have nothing to give.”
“Come now. It’s really nothing. We’re just doing what we should,” Grandma smiled.
“All right.”
They walked out of the room. And I, well, I started to breathe again. Turning around I noticed Rini and Takai staring at me.
“What?” I asked.
“Why didn’t you tell her the truth,” Rini asked.
“I’m proud of you,” Takai cut in. Walking over he patted me on the back, “Well done buddy.”
“Not you too,” Rini moaned, “Come on!”
“Seriously! Boys these days,” she grumbled.
“Ignore her,” Takai said, “That was an excellent performance!”
“Thanks,” I replied kind of confused.
“Just because you don’t have the guts to tell her the truth,” Rini spouted, “Doesn’t mean she deserves to know! How would you like to be kept in the dark, and told only lies?! Well, I think you wouldn’t! Now if you excuse, I’ll be heading for town now. Good day!”
Slamming the door behind her she stomped out.
“Well, I better go,” Takai said.
“Hey, wait! What am I going to do when she comes back?!”
“Beats me. Anyway, why do you think I’m leaving now? Your sister scares me when she’s angry. I mean she seem to turn into an evil incarnate. Totally different from when she’s nice. Seriously when she’s normal, she’s like an angel.”
“No, no. You said something. Do you like, Rini?”
“No! Where would you get that idea?!”
“You do don’t you.”
“Come on, admit it!”
He closed the door behind him, and then headed down the dirt path home. What a weird day it had been. First a shower of stars, the shadow, grandma, and now Takai! Oh well, maybe tomorrow will be more understandable. And, what if Rini’s right that the star will be hurt, when she finds out. I mean she usually is about girls. Oh, man. That’d be bad…

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