Thursday, July 23, 2009


My mom had Joseph Caleb Robertson not to long ago. I know he got the pardon nose. he's so cute too.So far the only unpleasant times with him are when he,
1. we were changing his diaper and he peed on my hand .
2. when I was holding him and he leaked onto my pants. I had to change.
Otherwise he's been an angel. And I took that picture. Here's a good thing. Anya loves him and she isn't jealous. In fact she loves him too much. She won't let anyone else hold him else she'll scream. Isn't that funny?!?!?!?


Mary said...

Ruth, you are an awesome sister! Boys DO PEE A LOT! Put a wipe over him, whenever you change him, and then if he pees, it will go on the wipe, instead of your hand.
-Aunt Mary
(I hope Anya learns how to share little Joey soon!)

rozanny said...

Ruth I love the picture! You did a good fob with it!

Mary said...

I see you have a new blog appearance, Ruth...very nice. Although I DO hope your life is not yet "at its fullest"...just as long as it keeps getting "fuller", you're in good shape!