Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Swim Flip

Today I thought the pool looked all green and gross. Kate thought Come swimming Ruth please????!!!!!!! Kate begged and begged and begged. Then I told Kate about rat tails(a wet cloth whip) and we had some whipping fun. A little bit latter I finally decided to go in the pool. Kate was delighted. So we had some fun in the pool. Until Kate suddenly said she was freezing cold. I believed her. So I begged her. So we played. I kept on going on until (haloluya to Kate and drat for me) Dad and came told us to come to dinner!

I wish Kate stayed wanting to stay and play in the pool.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Sometimes our tanks for our creatures get all green and gross too--then we have to change the water!

I love swimming!

Aunt Mary