Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Homeschool vs Public

I had never really noticed how different homeschoolers are from public schoolers till Friday when I came to pick Kate up from a party with our homeschool friends.
One thing in particular that I noticed was appearance. Whilst public schoolers are very cautious and careful about how they look, homeschoolers don't give a care, they will wear and look like whatever, and don't care about what anyone thinks. If the homseschooler in quesetion likes something they'll wear. And if they really don't care what their hair or outfit is like they don't care, it's really nice or not, can depend on that matter. Like the dreads and super long hair were just creepy...
Through my whole time throughout homeschool I noticed this one thing that bugged me, and that was the homeschooler's sense of personal space. At public school there was a big wide area of space per person, and some people would choose to break it, but most respect each others space. Homeschoolers no matter how sweet cool they seem, at least half have almost no sense of personal space. The games they play like awkward are completely crazy! It totally gets me out of my comfort zone! At public school there are people who break the barriers, because they're either a creeper or they know the person really well... But it's just different, almost as if they just understand or grasp the concept of the bubble.
One thing I love about homeschoolers is that they're soooo laid back! I envy them! Even while I was a homeschooler, well I didn't really fit like any of their qualities sadly... Us publics are very tense, and always suspicious, cautious, and sometimes quite well can become scary because we're so not laid back. Homeschoolers they time out everything and can even be late but will still there and completely laid back, relaxed, and at home.Ugh! Luckies!
oh well here's just a list of differences
1. appearance
2. personal space
3. level of tenseness
4. happiness (homeschoolers oddly are more happy overall)
5. socialness (public all the way)
and those're all the big ones I see at least, it's really strange. Some homeschoolers and public schoolers I know can easily adjust and fit into or just fit in with either group, but in majority it's quite different. If you can't tell or don't know already I fit in more with and favor public schoolers. My sister prefers homeschool but in all things, she's one of those exception girls.


I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! now I gonna take time to reflect on my many wonderful blessings... maybe... ;) okay but me no posty like most people I'd rather just think anyhow

Monday, December 24, 2012

Last Day of School Before Christmas Break

Alright! Well this mornin I woke up and attempted to motivate myself to get dressed, it took about 20 minutes. FINALLY I put a shirt and pants on, got ready, and left... On the bus I sat with this girl I met a couple days earlier. She's a nice girl, eighth grader, and loves to talk. We mostly talked about pets the whole way. When I got to school I went straight to my locker, and then on to the bench me and my friends always meet at. I ended up wandering and talking with Emma the whole time. Then I went on to English in which we watched a couple 'what would you do' and chatted. Mabel, my friend then came up to me and gave me some Paky and a Japanese drink which was pretty much carbonated flavored water, but was soooooo good! Gym was awesome I didn't have to do ANYTHING! Me and my friends just hung out in the locker room, listening to music, eating hot tamales, and chatting! I also carried them back and forth across the room.. hehehehehe!  We were at this point listening to a song when we heard the ten minute bell ring. We were just there for like 2 minutes until Kirby (our gym teacher) came in and asked what we were still doing here, because that wasn't actually the ten minute bell. I booked it to my locker and then to the computer lab, where we were having math class. Although really all we did was chat and doodle. After that I left, but forgot my math book, so I had to rush back, and grab it. In seminary me, Maquela, and Lindsay sang Silent night in Seminary, I sounded okay, a little rough cause I REALLY was thirsty! Maquela and Lindsay area amazing singers! Right after that lunch rolls along, and apparently Maqueala forgot to get money so I ate my roll and pears and let her eat the rest of my food. I mean seriously I got stuffed with junk food!
At last science came along and into play, the one reason I missed the homeschool party. The untold lab was a sad case, we had to fill out this worksheet which then became homework for over Christmas break... Well at least I got to work with my friends( although sometimes I prefer to sit across from the cutest guy in my science class) Oh and Jake Bingham totally came into out class sat in Shaun's seat and Mr. Bridges didn't even notice him! HA!) :) Ha ha ha! I also got to eat some of my pocky and drink my Remon... Romba... eh... i don't remember what it's called. Mabel had warned me that if I opened it wrong it would explode on me, so I kinda was being super cautious and all my friends were moving away. It didn't explode Instead my friend Emily (who ALL the teachers love) went over to help the people at my table, and I just kept looking over there (I mean she was helping HIM), when I looked at Steph who was making a disgusted look because of the lab. I died laughing! Then she make that silly look she always does and pawed at the air. We all started laughing. English rolled along slowly, in which thankfully my English is very kind about leaving items at Grandma's. On the way to my locker me and Emma talked, we ALWAYS talk and it's mostly about random things, but what do you expect, they know me! I grabbed my drink from Mabel and we were off to geography! Whilst there we learned about the history of Christmas Traditions; till the dreaded intercom came on. We knew Riley would be leaving us, but neither of us suspected Emily would. I mean she's never told us about her being in choir, and we've never seen her with any instrument so we were pretty weird-ed out.
 As we entered the gym for the Christmas assembly we discovered Emily, in the orchestra with a violin. I would think we would've noticed something. Then Emma's crush walked by, in a suit, ready to sing in choir. I pushed her. She pushed me back. I pushed her. She pushed me. I pushed her. She pushed me. I noticed the band was playing spider-man, and pushed her. She noticed that the cute guy in my science class noticed that exact same thing less than a minute after I did, said we're connected and then shoved me. The nerve! I waited till he passed, and then shoved her back ;) The concert was amazing but there were barely any people in choir, but that was kinda weird because I was told choir was full when I was picking classes. Finally it was almost the bands turn to play which would be the last of it.We started making faces at Kat, and she made them back. We kept sticking our tongues out at each other. Till it was time for her to play.
The assembly ended early and I jumped off the bleachers in joy! Sadly Hizumi (my codename for the cute guy) did it too and my friend gave me the look. And then told me how she almost tripped and landed on him whilst going down the stairs while we headed to our classes to pick up our stuff. I went to my locker got my stuff and headed to the bus. It was sooooo packed I was forced to sit with someone I didn't know, and then MORE people kept coming on! The rich kids get the big bus even though they have so many less to take, I mean on our bus some of us have to squish in fours on a regular day, and this was worse. I got home and then immediately left to go pick up Kate at the homeschool party. Dad sent me in and told me that if they weren't done I could stay for a bit. I walked up and knocked. There greeting me was my friend Lisette... with dreads... I was in shock and went down to pick up Kate, in which I saw almost every one with weird hair. Miles and Benjamin had shoulder length hair and Carly/Miko had cut hers. It was liking walking into a horror show, and I was in the middle of it all. We stayed a bit and then left, I would see most of them the next day anyhow so I wasn't to sad or anything. And then I did stuff at home in which I don't remember... (sorry for all and any mistakes in my writing future me, but I'm not taking the time to reread this...)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Alright so tonight I was walking across the kitchen when I saw Joshua he was screaming, pausing, and then yelling bad at something. I thought it was just adorable, till I let my face come two inches away. Reeling back in fear I screamed.
"Mom there's a spider!"
Dad said, "Johnny go kill the spider."
I'm just standing there in horror. Staring at the black arch of a creation. Obviously it was alarmed and ready to kill.
Johnny finally came into the room right as the spider moved and I ran out screaming. A little later I heard it was killed and went to check on Josh. I turned around about to hug Josh. My arms were opened and I started to get on my knees.
Kate then burst in, "Josh is holding the spider."
Again I jumped back screaming! I looked closer at Josh's hand and saw the black shadow begin to (as it seemed) crawl out of Josh's slowly growing open hand. Being a coward I ran out screaming, again. Later I discovered that after the spider had been killed Josh came up to it, told it it was bad, and poked it. The spider then was for some reason sticky and Josh couldn't get it off till soon after I left.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012


I haven't posted in a while, but I've been REALLY busy. I was sick to my stomach monday, and tuesday so I had quite a bit of makeup homework to get caught up on. Nothing too new after that except I have discovered one thing. Ninth grade is HARD!!! I actaully have to study for the first time in my life! I've never had to study before, and now that I'm trying I'm positive I don't like it. First of all as it turns out I have NO idea what the heck I'm doing whilst doing it, and secondly it means my mom is gonna have to teach me. I get to start from point blank! Yeek! I just hope I survive.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Purse Trouble

I couldn't find my purse and it's black Friday, so I searched EVERYWHERE it wasn't in my bedroom. Finally I just gave up for a time and my mom forced me to go check the house with the cat me and Kate are sitting. First of all I know for a certain it isn't and wasn't there, because I didn't bring it there. For a long time I refused until my mom started yelling at me, like really angrily, so I gave in. I went, but the last time I went there Kate angered the cat, and he scratched my face, so I was really under protest. He was fine this time, but also seemed to be under some type of protest. After that on the way back I deiced to look in the cars for just in case. There it was in our broken mini-van was my purse. I walked inside with it, and my mom asked if I had found it at the house, I told her I found it in the green car and explained my reasoning. YEAH! I got my $183.89 back!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Well, lately things have been odd, but fun! I've been working on my drawings and attempting to write stories... and really have had some completely odd school days... My friends are all awesome, but they all seem to be taking vacations, especially all to California and at the same time, but that's not really the odd parts. One I found out that Rob, the creeper, likes me, and two that my crush likes my friend, the one that doesn't like guys... Oh but since vacation started it's been really fun! Like when we've been hanging out with Bonnie, our friend across the street! She's a great artist, and advances quickly! (Sadly for me, I advance too quickly, like my drawings from before school started, or right at the beginning of school are all outdated.) Other than that, has been the fact that I get to sleep in and relax, I'm not so stressed and uptight. Though I should be doing my homework, but I think I'll wait until Saturday to do it, I mean today's Thanksgiving (happy Thanksgiving by the way!) and tomorrow's Black Friday! And that's kinda been what I've been doing lately

Saturday, November 17, 2012


This is now just becoming my journal, I can't stand not being able to sometimes write things out, so no more shall I just apply boring drafts this is officially my journal!

Nanowrimo (Nanowrite) story chapter 1 part

In a warm little hut, a fire blazes. A dark infinity seems to grow enveloping all but a girl. Her sooty hand reaches out to grab more ashes. They seem to fall like droplets into a pool of emptiness.
‘Lonely. That’s all I am, alone and afraid’, she thinks to herself, ‘No matter how much I want to, I can’t turn back and give up. If I do, the game is over, so even though I am surrounded by life, I’m alone. Like the flame I will grasp at any chance to escape, but it’s all in vain. I will never reach out of that brick encasing place around me by the maker of this despair.’
                 Loudly the door creaks open behind her. A young lad of 18 wanders in. He is confused, seeming to have been dragged to this place by a dream. Before him sits a girl warming herself by a lonely fire, that seems to slowly pull her in. What kind of place this is he knows not.
                ‘Who could be there,’ she wonders aloud.
                Turning but slightly she gazes upon his tall figure. Glinting in the open light, a sword hangs in his hand. Silver as the moon its handle shines, set upon the most magical steel for a blade.  This one blade, Gin, was passed down from one king to the next. Which could only mean that it was…
                No! It can’t be! Her eyes darted up to the man’s face. His hair fell down around his face, just so, golden locks of light; just like she remembered. Oh and his eyes were still sapphires, penetrating and secretive.
                “Kin,” she squealed with a smile, “You came here to see me, didn’t you!”
                “Who are you,” he replied, for never in his life had he ever meet a girl such as this. She was so fearful and mystic, and you could almost see the ghost in her frame. This girl was obviously haunted, by some horrible monster.
                “It’s me Kin! Don’t you remember?! I’m your dear friend Gen,’ the girl desperately cried.
                ‘I don’t know you,’ Kin stammered.
                Her face paled, and her eyes hid under a shadow. They had been friends since she was little. The only reason she was so burdened and alone, was because she had helped him back then. Back when the Knight of Shadow’s came, she, Gen, had been the one to come to his aid, and then had been brutally forced away.  Away to a new land, adopted into a family who soon died, and was fighting in a cold war full of violence. Yet was it all for nothing, could he not even recognize her face.
                ‘Why,’ she asked, rage enveloping her, ‘Did you care so little for me?! Can you not even remember my name!? I was there with you, through all of it! So tell me why!?’
                She advanced towards him, tears streaming down one side of her face, black shadowing the other. What was with this girl!?
                “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he voiced threateningly, thrusting his sword in her direction, “I’ve never seen you before in my life, and have no idea what you’re talking about, so stay back! Whatever type of trickery this is, I won’t stand for it!”
                She gazed at the sword and then back at him. There in her eyes a reflection of a young child gazed back at him. It was a boy. He had blonde hair, and blue eyes, a crackle of magic flared about him.
                “Go on, kill me,” Gen said defiantly, “but don’t stab me with Gin. Kill me with your magic.”
                “My what?”
                “Your magic.”
                “I have no idea what you’re talking about! I don’t have any magic.”
                “I can tell you’re lying, you were always a bad liar, and as I see, continue to be so. You know what I’m talking about. Use your magic.”
                Kin glanced downward; he did know what she was talking about. His magic was powerful, but for some reason it seemed to only be able to hurt people. No matter how much he tried, he could never seem to use it to help anyone, only to cause harm to them.
                “I can’t,” he replied looking away from her eyes, “I made a vow never to use it again.”
                “That’s a shame,” she sighed, “I was hoping, that if it came to this you would use your magic, but I guess that won’t happen.”
                “Yeah too bad for you,” he replied, “I don’t know who you are, or how I got here, but I’m not going to let this continue.”
                “Let what continue,” Gen asked grinningly, “However much truth, and however memory and tearful this is for me… This is just a dream”       
                Gen awoke with a start.
“Kin,” she screamed.
What just happened?! There was a sword blade point right at her neck, and now it was gone. Suddenly the realization of it all flooded back to her. It was only a dream, but then why did it feel so real. His face, it was so cruel. But then, why wouldn’t it have been? She herself in the dream seemed scarier in a way too.
                Maybe, it was a dual dream. No, it couldn’t have been. There was nobody to perform the spell, and most of all to know both of them. Well no matter what it was, it was surely time to get up. The sun was rising, and the sky looked pale; just the way I felt.
                The stone floor sent chills up and down her body as she stepped out of the bed. A black raven’s dress had been left on her desk chair. She picked the gown up. It was an elegant little thing, a fitting gown endowed with magic.  Glancing in the mirror she beheld herself.
                Black and colorless as the dress was, it suited her. It held a look of mystery and loyalty.
                A creaking noise turned her attention to the door. No! Was it…
                “Oh darling,” said one of the old witches, “You look wonderful! That gown I made suits you just perfectly!”
                “You made this,” Gen gasped, “Thank you!”
                “It ‘twas not trouble dearie,” the old girl said triumphantly, “You are leaving us today, and I couldn’t have you go in that tattered war outfit you came here with!”
                “Again, thank you,” Gen cried, running up and hugging her.
                “Of course,” she continued, “now you must get going, breakfast will be starting soon. Better wash up!”
                “Alright,” she said as the door closed in front of her.
                Coming nearer the bowl of water left on her side table, she saw three sakura petals floating in it. As she dipped her hand in they seemed to come to life, dancing across a pool of mirrors. Scoops of water hit her face and then fell back down. Water sloshed out of the wooden bowl, and one of the blossoms fell along with it.
                “I know the feeling little blossom,” she said as she scooped it up, “I’ve been cut off from the world I knew too. From one place to another, and then alone.”
                Carefully she slipped the petal into the little lace bag that went with the dress.
                Hooves slapped against the cobblestones. Two black capes fluttered behind, two tall men astride the mares.

As they passed the people of the small town looked up in fearful awe. One of the men was taller the other, and had the look of an experienced warrior. A large sheeth rested on his lap, and two maces donned his luggage with their malicious grace. On the other had a gentle face; too gentle to be a killer. Why these two odd ones were traveling together was beyond anything anyone could guess.
                “What’s with these people,” the tall one said grouchily, “they look on with shock, like they’ve never seen a blade.”
                “Oh they probably have, just not around here,” replied the other calmly.
“Well why not!? What’s so special about this place anyway,” he questioned angrily.
“It is a place full of magic. Physical weapons are pretty much useless here. Of course your sword is of a different matter,” he said gesturing to the sheath on his lap.
“Of course,” he replied, “But, why are we here?”
“Come now, we’re almost to the place of the elders,” the gentle one said with a pleasant smile.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

forever rough draft

I’ve always been treated different, no matter where I’ve gone. I can’t escape the fact. Other people are called different because, everyone’s different from each other, but not me. With me, it’s different. I thought others could see them too, but I guess not.
The forest of shadow loomed up around me. Light cast only glimmers of those restless spirits. Reaching out to touch one I felt an inner chill pass throughout my body. From my toes to the tips of my hair I could feel their sorrow. And then I heard it, a gun shot rang across, and I could feel the bullet pressing into me. It passed through leaving a sharp pain, that stung with and icy grip. Escaping my body and waking me up with a startle.
“Ayaka!,” a familiarly harsh voice called, “Pay attention in class! Stop daydreaming!”
“Yes Miss Hatsu,” I replied.
“Good. Now what were we just talking about?”
“I-I-I don’t know madam,” I stuttered. My cheeks burned as I heard the laughter from my peers.
“We were talking about the experiment about 300 years ago and how it’s affecting us now. Tell us.”
“Two scientists created them, one on our turf and one on the enemies. Now that everyone thinks that the immortals are extinct neither of us can experiment on them to find the old experiment that they used, and do it on more people, making themselves immortal  in the process. Lately a few architects found the site the experiments were preformed, and their formulas. This created a diversion between our cities, in turn becoming a war over the formulas. At the moment the war has slowed, which must mean that someone took the formulas and is hiding them.”
A stony silence fell over the classroom.  My cheeks burned, and my heart felt as if it were about to break through my skin and flee. Miss Hatsu looked concerned, and upset at the same time.
She sighed, and then regained her former composure. Coming up to the desk in which I was at. Then continued, glaring me in the eye.
“You are wrong. Yes they are extinct, but a while back one of them created a vexation between our two fair cities, which in turn started the war. He was killed soon after; Not at all like you just put it. You young lady need to learn better, now sit down!”
Rage growing, I slowly sat. Why couldn’t anyone else see it too? It’s not hard to see at all! Her eyes were so cold when she lectured me… Why? What is going on? Looking up, the cold dark eyes bore into me, so I turned my head out the window. There was something there.
          An essence. It was calling me, like nothing ever had before. Invisible cold fingers reached out to tell me; to warn me, but I . . . no, I didnt listen.

Finally school ended. Most people stayed and chatted with each other, I raced for my dorms, tears clouding my green eyes.
“So, how’s it going?”
Gazing around I realized I had been surrounded. The usual routine I was hoping to avoid decided to follow me today.
“Leave me alone,” I whispered eyes facing the ground.
“I just asked how you were doing,” he said pretending to be sweet.
“Please, may I just go to my dorm?”
“No you may not.”
I sighed. Daichi looked the same as usual. Tan skin, brown hair, blue eyes, seriously I don’t get why the rest of the girls were in love with him. They seemed to think he was like a Hercules or something. Me, I would never care for someone who decided to gather his friends, and attempt to annoy a girl to death.
“What do you want of me?”
“Nothing. Just tell me who else you like,” Daichi said as he dug his foot into the ground.
“I don’t like him anymore, I thought he was nice and cute, and no one that you would know.”
“There must be somebody. Tell me. And why wouldn’t you like him anymore?”
“He wasn’t what he seemed, now let me pass,” my teeth gritted as I tried to barge my way forward, but it was blocked.
“Come on. You can tell us.”
“Why would you want to know anyway? It’s none of your business.”
“It is my business.”
“Why do you want to know?” I repeated for the question seemed to quiet him, “Please let me pass.”
He was silent.
“Let her go,” another voice echoed across the halls.
The voice belonged to a boy. Tall as Daichi, the boy, was obviously a third year and was soon to graduate. We’re first years here, in other words, not worth a thing in most third year’s eyes. So why was he getting involved in this?
“What do you mean,” Daichi asked innocently.
“Clearly you’re blocking her way, and she just asked you to let her leave,” his voice came out clearly.
“She can leave whenever she wants.”
“Fine then,” he turned toward me, ”Come on. We’re leaving”
Daichi and the others made room as I passed, and slowly headed down the white hall.
Sun filtered through the large glass stained windows, putting pictures on the white walls. Farther up the hall he stood in the large doorway. Golden glows fell upon his copper-blonde hair, which fell around his head in such a way. Warm winds played with the fabric of his un-tucked shirt. Collar gathering around his jaw made his skin darker than the pale it was. Turning towards me, I noticed his eyes for the first time. Gray-blue, they glimpsed a dream, lost from reality.
Lost in the dream, was a cry, and a laugh. Dark was the reality, full of suffering and death. A sorrow like that off a kami crept over my body. I thought I could be trapped like this forever, but then he spoke.
“Well are you coming?”
“Uh… yeah,” my voice trembled out.
The dream was gone, and all that was left in his bright eyes, was an unreadable desire. I jogged towards the doorway. Gleaming stone arched it, in a cathedral look. Armored statues glared at all. Swords raised in a threatening glance. They were all just for show though. Silent and unloving, they just stood inflicting fear into those who believed that they could actually hold a spirit, from times lost to us.
As I grew closer to the boy, he turned, and I was again, staring at his back. We walked together for some time, and then he stopped. Our footsteps echoed, and then were gone.
“This is your dorm’s hall right?”
“I’ll be going now,” he paused, “Ayaka.”
He knows my name! Oh glorious day! Wait, I still have to thank him.
“Hey um… About earlier,” I started.
His hand rose to silence me, cuffs falling down, in their natural way.
“It was nothing. Farewell.”
Warm as it was, for some reason that last word pained me. Footsteps faded, as I waited. What I waited for was a mystery, but still, I waited.
Eventually, I had to move. The hall was empty, dank, and cold. Empty footsteps filled the corridors. Echoes broke of, laughing at me, and my fears. Hope was lost to me. No one believed me, but I knew this way was haunted, by a kami. He was an angry sort, one of horrible nature. I’d run into once before, but that was when I was new to this school. Normally, he would leave you alone, if you left him. Today was different though. Something was wrong.
Emerald green silk of a cape flashed before my eyes. A thick mass of black hair fell upon his head, enhancing his red eyes. A once first-year’s uniform wrapped around his scrawny beaten spirit of a body. Rips filled the cloth which wrapped around his yellowish skin.
One glance and the floating paused. Glaring down with a cruel and carefree grin he snickered. Eyes ruthlessly bore down into my skull. His snicker turned into a laugh, the laugh became cruel, and heartless.
“What is it today, Kiyoshi?”
          Id expect you of all people to know, anger thundered through is normally calm voice.
          Truthfully I dont know what you mean? Please tell me.
          Hes here! You know I dont remember anything, from when I was alive, but there he was today. Alive and standing there. One of those, who, He looked away.
          Wait!  Two things. First, how could he be alive?! And who, what?!
          Impertinence! You know perfectly well who it is!
          No I honestly dont, and I dont get what youre saying.
          His ghostly face was a reddish now, and he stormed, well more of floated off fast like.
Turning around I opened the door to my bedroom, and low and behold there was a face staring eye to eye at me. I squealed with a bit of fright, and she laughed. Hand on chest and panting, I looked at the blonde delight from centuries past.

She had always been beautiful, and seemed as if even age wouldn’t have taken that away from her, even though she was a kami now. Man I’m so jealous of her! I’m stuck here with this awful nose, and chubby cheeks which do not go well with my high cheek bones! While she, she had that long pretty face, small nose, thin cheeks, and wonderfully big eyes! Complete opposite of me.
Smiling, she turned towards me. I couldn’t help but smile back, and laugh myself.
“So,” she started, “What was it that boring ol’ Kiyoshi wanted?”
“I don’t know, he was really upset though. You’d think someone had shot and killed him again,” I sighed, and then stuck out my tongue and closed my eyes, “That’s to taking it all out on me.”
“Ha! Ha! Ha!” She laughed, “Does, that boy have any shred of respect?”
“Not one! Though,” I said, going into deep thought, “He said someone who was there when he died, was well here, today.”
“Not possible! That boy is too delusional!”
“True, but still, something was off. All today.”
“Oh pish posh! You’re letting  yourself listen to Kiyoshi!
“No, I’m not!”
“Yes you are,” she teased.
“I bet you like him!”
“Sorry darling, but he died over 100 years for you. Too old!”
“Oh hush,” I said, trying to stop myself from giggling.
We both fell to the ground laughing. Shaking, but laughing. It was a far impossibility. I didn’t like anyone. Never will, for who could ever love a girl like me. Secrets hidden, and known as the girl stuck between fantancy and life itself. I sighed, that was me alright. But still his tall image kept looming into my mind. Those eyes. Those wonderful eyes. No, he wasn’t for me.
After I finished my work I headed to bed, it was almost midnight already, so I said goodnight to Fumiko, and started to get ready.
Pulling off my uniform, I slipped into my nightgown. The fabric was a bit coarse, but it fit me nicely and was comfortable enough. Slipping into the small, bed I huddled up trying to get warm. Quickly the dark of sleep over came me.
Something knocked at my back door. I tensed. Who could be there? The knock sounded again. It was just a light tapping at the back. Go away! Please Leave! I’m a nobody! Just go!
“Hey,” the sweet voice from earlier today flowed in.
No! It-it couldn’t be him! My cheeks flamed. What do you want?
“I know you can hear me, and this is probably weird, but I need to tell you something. Ayaka?”
Say something girl! Come on, he won’t bite! But how can I trust him? And Why is he here, at my back door, talking to me, at midnight? Okay, just listen to what he has to say, but don’t say anything.
The sheets rustled at my movement, and he was quiet for a minute more.
“Be careful.”
What? That’s it… No, there’s got to be more. He knows something that he’s not letting on about. I need to find out what though.
Standing up, I started to pull open the back door. It squeaked, and I flinched. Fumiko, was out at the moment, so I was fine. A wind came out of nowhere and shoved the door open. I fell back.
Beams of sunlight fell through dim room. Gathering myself up, I stepped out into a forest of wondrous things. Stepping into the light, birds from worlds I couldn’t name flew away into the light. Vines hung down around me, and at my feet was a bed of flowers without names.
Standing up, from beside a tree, he laughed at my schocked expression. The breeze played with his hair as he started to speak. []
“You came,” his smile was kindly and playful, “Just like we knew you would.”
“What? We?”
“Yes, we knew.”
“Who’s we?” I asked, but I already had a feeling I knew.
“The immortals. living ghosts, lost in a world full of change.”
“You-you’re an an…” Even though I knew before he had told, still it shocked me. This proved so much for me. How though, how could he be registered in this school? Wouldn’t they have found him out?
He laughed a regular human laugh.
“Course not! Why would I be helping them if I was. I only came here to,” he paused.
“To what?”
A thoughtful expression climbed over his laughing smile, and he breathed in deeply. Turning away from me, a ridiculous thought came to me. I wanted to make him laugh again. Relieving any troubles and putting that warm smile back on his face.
“Tomorrow,” he calmly continued,” be careful.”
“Okay,” I wanted to say more, tell him it all. My mind disagreed with me, on the other hand, and refused to give me those words to say.
“You should go. It’s almost sunrise, and then they will come here. Oh, and don’t tell Fumiko, about me, and this.”
“Huh,” I was too stunned to speak, but I nodded just the same.
“Good,” he sighed with relief, I was afraid you might, “I mean how could I girl like you keep a good secret,” he said and fell on his back smirking up at me.”
“What?!” I screeched.
“Yeah, if I don’t make you promise, you might tell the whole school,” he said looking at the sunrise.
“Would not!”
“You probably would.”
Inside I wanted to strangle him, and at the same time, I didn’t. Taking all my courage I stomped back into my room, and slammed the door behind me. Oh! He made me so mad!
At first he seemed so nice! Ugh! It’s like he was a different person at dawn than he was at sunset. Maybe. Just maybe that was true. He could be one of the night. Like in those stories I’ve heard, he wasn’t an immortal, so he had to be. Obviously he wasn’t human. Unless, he was like me.
This is all too confusing, I’d best be back to bed.
Ding Dong!
“Ah,” I screamed.
Oh no! It was past 6! Crud! Throwing on my school gown, I quickly brushed through my tangled hair, and grabbed up my school books. Being already late, I knew I was going to be in detention no matter what, but still I ran. Little did I know that that little mistake of being late was designed to happen.
My knees weakened as I reached the door. Exhausted overwhelmed my body.
Fingers clutched notebooks, as I skidded to a stop. Breath fell out without rhythm. My heart beat, and my head spun. My teacher yelled something and then grabbed me by the arm. Something was definitely wrong with me. I had raced down the school, but that wasn’t enough to make me feel like this.
As I opened my eyes, white silk brushed my lashes. Blue eyes, stared far off. A dark shadow, covered her face, increasing the shadows in her eyes. Broken beads rolled across the marble floor. Stopping, and then being brushed again by the white terrain. Sounds of swords clashing echoed across the hall, and then she turned toward me. Two topaz’s bore into me, and then it was gone.
I was crumpled on the floor, dazed. Classmates were surrounding. Horrified expressions, turned into almost joy, in knowing that they had not just witness the death of a peer.
Daichi looked almost relieved, surprisingly. Those whom I’d thought were cruel or unkind, embraced my stony body. I then realized that I was not alone as I had thought, and I was glad.
Ripples of the explosion echoed across the school. Blazing clouds full of dust filled the halls, as shrill screams filled the air. The sirens rang deafening those within and without the walls. Students and teachers alike raced outside. I lay stuck on the floor. Finally, the panic rushed through my system, helping me to my feet.
The room was void of life, and so were the halls. Smoke clouded my way, as I attempted to scramble out of the school.
Crossroads of hall came slowly. They seemed to inch towards me, and I gasped. My lungs were filled with a thick black smoke, of fire. Sweat drenched my heated skin. A faint feeling overcame my body, and then I couldn’t breathe. Falling to the floor, I clutched my head in panic. Gasping I tried to stand, and stumbled over to the wall.
Hands gently, but with strength clasped my hands and pulled me towards the smoky figure. The cloth from a tie was placed, acting as a clearer.
“Can you walk,” Ayuma asked.
My mind and words claimed I could, but my body disagreed. Straightening up I lifted my head, and took a few measly steps onward, before I plunged forward. He caught me in midair. Then pulling my around to his side forced me to lean on him for support. Partially dragging me along, he charged for the exit, as another bong went off, this time closer.
It was clouded and hard to see, yet he somehow he knew the way. There loomed the back door. Hand gripped the handle, it was locked. I gasped losing all breath I had just gained. Never before was this backdoor locked, it was always open at any time. From the corner of my eye I could see that Ayuma was not fazed, instead he looked annoyed, and expectant of this. Gently he set me against a wall and then charged the door. It burst open from the force causing him to fall outside.
Grappling to my feet, I rushed out. Cool air brushed against my skin, wiping the perspiration away. Just for a moment I fell to the grass and lay there, for just a minute. My eyes closed as I let the welcome feelings of the outdoors race over me.
A shadow came over the sun. Lifting one eyelid, I squealed, Jumping -backwards. There was Ayuma
¬¬¬s face blotchy with ashes.
Ah, he started, youre awake. Good now go join your class, Im ditching.
Wait a second, I started, Ayuma!
What, he started in an annoyed tone.
“D-did you set off the bombs?”
“Maybe, maybe not. Depends on what you think.”
“Never mind, but thank you, for saving my life.”
“It was nothing, now if you don’t mind,” he said brushing himself off, “I’ll be off.”
He started to head toward the pine woods. Dark shadows loomed up from the trees. Always they had intimidated me, and kept me from running away from this awful school.
“Ayumu, where are you going,” I called after him, standing up, “Are you coming back?!”
He turned back to look at me, the wind blew the ashes mostly off his face and hair. His eyes were calm, like a clouded sky.
“I won’t come back.”
My words were dry, and it felt like I was back in the burning school again. For just some reason, I just could accept him leaving, it wasn’t right. Somehow it just seemed wrong.
“Why,” I choked out.
“They’ll be searching for me,” he lifted his hand and tilted his head and smiled saying, “Take care.”
“G-goodbye,” I stammered.
As he walked off his shirt whipped around in the wind, jacket torn and ashy, hair showed copper strips covered in ash. Then he had vanished in into the woods. All I could do was stand there or a minute.
Come on legs move, mouth call out his name. I needed to say something! He can’t just be gone, we just met! What should I do?! I need to do something!? I-I’ll follow him! Yes!
Gathering up my courage, I took a step forward and started towards the woods. Closer and closer I came to the dark shadows. Haunting feelings and losing hope, I could not fathom what I will find as I take a few more steps.
My heart hammered. Fear started to overcome my body, the nearer I got. Just seconds away from entering, I stopped, my legs froze. Thoughts of certain death, and tragedy ruled my mind. Desire told me to move onward, knowledge made me rethink. Feeling as though time was stopped I tried to decide. Somewhere behind me, I could hear panic, as the building collapsed. Before me sounds of snaps and rustles of branches as unknown creatures moved around.
If I went back, they’d be sure to question me, but if I moved onward, I faced the danger of the unknown. But, Ayuma, he was in there. What would he think? What would he say? There was something he knew about me that I didn’t, and I need to know what.
Thinking of this, I took those few steps into the shadows of wilderness.
Pines loomed above my head, and seemed to overwhelm the sky. Squeals, and screeches from birds echoed, ringing in my ears. Dancing shadows played across the forest floor. Small rays of light cracked through the new leaves. A minute passed without my movement, taking in the surrounding terrain.
Where am I? What’s going… Ayuma! Where’d he go?
Hidden but there, I found a small path. Footprints followed that path, so I decided to take my chances. If he was down this road, I scored, if not, then who will I find?
Maybe, it would lead to shelter, that would be nice, but I doubted in this place. The more I thought the more I wondered, until I could not see the place where I’d started. This unnerved me seeing as far into the forest I was. Denser the tress got, creating more shadows lurking behind every corner. Creatures of every kind, hid behind bushes.
A twig snapped from somewhere ahead of me. Immense fear rushed through my body, and I stood still. Pale and chilled I moved not a muscle. It could either be a creature, or a human. Then from behind came a shrill screech.
Not knowing what it was, I dashed. Loudly leaves crunched, and twig snapped beneath my feet. Bitter wind blew me onward, increasing my fear of what was behind. Never would I have imagined what I would find.
As I dashed onward I could make out voices. Closer I moved towards them, till I could see their shadows against the trees. Slowly I came to a stop behind a thick pine. Among the voices I could pull out Ayuma’s. Immediately I knew I’d come to the right place. One question remained, who were the others and what were they all talking about? I tuned in my ears to their conversation.
“Ah. The bombs, worked I take it,” said one of them.
“Yes, but, we ran into trouble along the way,” said a second.
“Ayuma, was too soft, and didn’t set them off all at once,” said a third.
So he was involved! But why would he do it?
“Oh he didn’t, did he! Why Ayuma?,” said an obvious girls voice.
“Tell us,” demanded the first.
There was a pause, for a minute, and Ayma cleared his throat.
“I didn’t do it, because most of the people there are students, and don’t deserve to die or be seriously injured,” Ayuma started, “We can’t let innocent people die on the account of us living! On the other hand, they may have most of the formula, but we have the other part! “
“Well, well,” the girl said.
“On to the other matter,” the second started, “The girl.”
“What about the girl,” asked the first voice.
“They have her in their hands,” he continued, “She has more knowledge about us, than even she knows; we have to do something about her!”
“She’ll be fine,” said the girl, “As long as she doesn’t know about us, they shouldn’t harm her.”
“We can’t be sure of that! She wouldn’t tell even if she did know,“ Ayuma broke in, “If she dies than what’s the point?! We have to make sure she’s okay!”
Giggling erupted from the girl.
“Could you all not tell,” she gasped between laughs, “She’s behind that tree.”
Not knowing what to do I stood still. A tall, thickly built man with long black hair came up behind the tree.
“So, Rini wasn’t lying,” he was the one who owned the second voice, deep and booming, “Come on out, we probably won’t hurt you.”
Not much reassured I stepped out, and came forward followed by the big man. My eyes scanned the four, no five, one hadn’t talked at all during their conversation.
The girl was small, 5 ft (one inch below my height) and had short, thick, red hair, her eyes were hazel, and she had on a playful smile that suited her well. Also a younger boy stood by her side, he stood a little taller than her, and was obviously her brother, except his hair was brown.
Next to him, stood a tall boy, who looked to be about Ayuma’s age, his hair was a silver white, tan skin, and had quite a handsome looking face. His eyes were a shining green, which burned with anticipation. Looking hopeless, and a little upset, also blushing, stood Ayuma, Copper gold locks, mixed with ash. His face was smeared with filth and grime. I giggled a bit seeing him look so flustered, it was kind of attractive in a way.
“Welcome,” said the young boy, he owned the first voice I’d heard, “I’m -Akira, and this is my sister Rini.”
“Nice ta meet you,” she said.
“I’m Hiroki,” said the tall man.
“My name is Masato,” said the unspoken, his voice was deep but calming, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
He took my hand and kissed it, Ayuma, did not look happy.
“The pleasure’s mine,” I stammered.
“And of course you already know Ayuma,” Rini jumped in.
“Good to see you again,” he said running a hand through his hair.
“Well now that that’s over, what’s your name?” Akira asked.
“I-I’m Ayaka.”
“Nice to meet you Ayaka!” Akira was very kind apparently.
“So who are,” I started.
A loud yell sounded across the forest. Masato grabbed my hand, and pulled me through the path of green. All the others had scattered as well. Rini and Akira were a ways off to the left of us, and Ayuma and Hiroki were to the other side.
I kept looking at Ayuma, but he kept looking away. I gazed back at Masato, he was so gentlemanly, and just plain cool. He was so relaxed and calm. Not at all like Ayuma.
We made a sharp left and I lost my train of thought.
Where are we going?
Masato stopped, and looked back. No sound came from over there. The others joined us. Rini was out of breath, and so was I. It was kind of embarrassing in a way.